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RE: SteemMonsters Pack Contest [My Sister is Such a Pig]

A thing you don't know. I got one for you. Doctor Who aired on November 23 1963. The day after Kennedy got shot, so the ratings didn't do so well. So they reshowed the episode later and luckily ratings were there and thats how the great show Doctor Who began. They did a documentary on it called An Adventure in Space and Time, if you are a doctor who fan you should check it out!


Knew it :) Bought my Dad the first season and that documentary for his birthday a few years back!

Darn I have to come up with another one lol

OK did you know that George Washington had given orders to Benjamin Tallmadge to make spy ring , called cupler ring during the revolutionary war? There are some good books on this! If you don't like reading they made a show about it ;) Show is called Turn Washington spies(currently on netflix) a cool trailer , you should check it out!

XD Yep knew it! Haha