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RE: Thanks @Jedigeiss for EASY SPLINTER VICTORY

in #steemmonster6 years ago

Yep, totally intentional and there is a very simple reasoning behind this.
Currently, if you pass the 2800 points barrier and you have no max decks like me, you are doomed. You will be consequently matched against the top players that are 4000 or more points above you and that have a lot of maxed decks ...
Which, on the other hand directly means that you are going to have a very depressing evening trying to win games for your quest in which you are having absolutely no chance to win. So as a result, doing quests above the 2800 points barrier is almost not possible for me, the matchmaking algo is simpy broken there.
Solution is to get away from the 2800 points as far as possible, which exactly resulted in the seen behaviour.
So, yes there is something that needs fixing and this is the match making algorithm beyond 2800 points.
Anyways, be happy that you got those easy wins, I am normally not very keen on giving presents :)
Kind regards