The church project: build with personalized spiritual attention.

in #steemleo5 years ago

God bless you my brothers.

(He 6:10) "Because God is not unjust to forget your work and the labor of love that you have shown toward his name, having served the saints and still serving them."

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In (Neh 7: 5-73) another list is found, those who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon to the land of Israel. Many Jews chose not to return. They already had their life done in Mesopotamia: with friends in the neighborhood, children in school, their work established. It was easier to stay where they were. But those who packed and made the decision to return to the promised land, once the edict of Cyrus was promulgated, felt otherwise. His desire was to seek God and his kingdom.
They knew the promise of the Redeemer, they knew it would reach the land where Abraham had lived, and his only desire was to participate in all that. They are like the sheep referred to by the Lord Jesus Christ: "I am the good shepherd; and I know my sheep, and mine know me" (Jn 10:14). The list of Nehemiah 7 reminds us that God knows all those who really seek him. Meet your sheep.

In (Neh 10: 1-27) there is a list of princes (Neh 9:38) and the heads of the people (Neh 10:14), with the priests and Levites. They are leaders among the remnant, and the fact of being on the list points to a great truth: God takes note of those who assume responsibilities.

Credits for the author Esteban Rodemann of the Bible school following the teacher.
