Bitcoin *Flex*...

in #steemleo6 years ago

Not gonna flex too hard, but I did call a Bitcoin bottom 5 days ago under my cleverly titled post:
" Who doesn't love a Bottom"

Not only did I call it, I made a profit on the move using a different trading approach based on proper trade size, stop placement, and general thinking. I made a whopping $.59 USD on the trade. The flip side, of course was that the trade represented a 28% profit. Where else can that sort of profit happen?


I've come to learn that not all trades are gonna be million dollar moves. In fact, not all trades are gonna be $100 moves either. For me, I've had to change expectation about what trading means for me. Its all sorta contradictory in a way. I mean yes its about making money, but it can't be about the money. Its about taking a risk, but how much value is extracted from the market depends on how you manage your risk. It also has less to do with a trading system and more about how well you know yourself.


Every penny will add up over time and consistency is the key principle that we all should look for.