How to Make Money Online Using Instagram in 2019

in #steemleo5 years ago (edited)


 Are you interested in learning how to make money online using Instagram? If you are, you're in the right place. Continue reading to learn exactly how Influencer's on Instagram are able to make thousands of dollars online via Instagram.

#1 Way to make money on Instagram: Affiliate Marketing

Making money on Instagram with affiliate marketing is the most beginner friendly way to make money online in November 2018 going into 2019. Affiliate Marketing involves  the process of teaming up with a person, brand, or business in efforts to promote their products or services for a set and agreed upon commission rate per sale generated through your efforts.

An example that is extremely beginner friendly is Amazon's affiliate program called Amazon Associates. The average commission rate for an Amazon Associate's partner is anywhere from 1% to 10% depending on what products you are promoting. 

Amazon associates is a great place to start your affiliate marketing career so you can practice your marketing skills with zero overhead cost. To get started, sign up for an associate account, search the product you want to promote, and get your link. Next comes marketing that product, but we'll get to that later.

#2 Way to make money on Instagram: Paid Sponsorship's On Instagram

These brand sponsorship's usually happen when you get anywhere from 10k to 100k followers depending on the niche you are in. The amount of followers you have, usually has a strong correlation with how much money and accommodations will be offered in the sponsorship gig.

For example, travel niche pages are most likely to be sponsored by a hotel, resort, cruise, or any other touristy travel locations. Whenever I tell people about this, I always get the response:

"why would they pay you and give you a free stay at their hotel, pay for your flight, food, and any other accommodations just for a post on your Instagram profile?"

You have to look at it from a business perspective. What is the best marketing a business can possibly have? Answer: Word of mouth marketing is the best marketing for a business because when you already trust someone's opinion (such as your family, friends, celebrities, politicians, your favorite influencers), you are very likely to uphold their opinion. 

Any social media platform has enormous amounts of word of mouth marketing going on. When you are on Instagram and double tap that picture of the exotic car, the fitness pic, quote meme, or any other type of post; you are telling everyone who follows you that this picture is worth looking at. 

When a travel page posts about their recent travel pics to Bali that you see on the explore page, the resort most likely teamed up with the influencer if the resorts username is tagged. People who follow travel pages obviously like to travel so it is a great way for a hotel or resort to market themselves directly to their target audience.
Hotels often have vacancies, so if you catch a hotel in a slow season, they are extremely likely to sponsor an influencer because the room would have already been vacant, so they aren't losing money by allowing you a free stay.

#3 Way to make money on Instagram: Create a course

Courses are among the top ways to make money online using Instagram in 2018-2019 because they can teach anything you know about so it's free and easy to create. 

An example of this method of making money on Instagram is a guitar lovers page that created a course on "how to play the guitar in 2 weeks." 

Any type of page can create a course based on what their page is about and promote it to their audience. Knowledge is one of the most coveted things in the world and people love learning from reliable sources that know what they are talking about (like an Instagram account that has been proven worthy to teach the course).

There are two strategies to this. The first is creating a quick and easy course to watch that is semi-broad and charge interested buyers a low cost one time fee like $20. The second strategy is to create an extremely elaborate course covering very detail of the activity (like playing guitars) with a few freebie's (like a free guitar pick), and a community where you can talk to other people who are interested in that same thing you're learning. These types of courses can cost anywhere from $200 to $5000 depending on what the topic is. 

#4 Way to make money on Instagram: Shopify &/OR Amazon Stores

Creating a shopify store has a completely different process to it than creating an Amazon store so make sure you research both of them before making a decision. That being said, they are both amazing ways to monetize your Instagram account, but I have found Shopify stores are much easier to scale by using Influencer ads, Facebook ads, and YouTube ads. 

Shopify stores in my opinion give you much more feeling of being in control of your business and knowing exactly what is going on with your inventory. Shopify also integrates extremely well with email marketing campaigns for people who sign up for your newsletters, which is a really good way to build a relationship with your Instagram followers and shopify store customers. 

#5 Way to make money on Instagram: Email Marketing

The fifth, but definitely not the ONLY other way to make money on Instagram... There are thousands of different ways to monetize your Instagram page... But the fifth way we will talk about is Email Marketing. 

Email marketing on Instagram is my main priority when it comes to building a business  because the process of getting emails from Instagram is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to get emails to market your content to. 
Aside from how easy and cheap it is to get emails from Instagram... it is also a great way to have someone join your mailing list because they know you and your brand already AND willingly gave you their email address to stay in contact with them. 

The key to email marketing on Instagram and any other platform is building and maintaining a great relationship with those who are on your list. Three things you must have with your email list in order to be successful are: Respect, Trust, & Rapport (RTR). 

Meaning they must respect your knowledge, trust you know what you're talking about, and have rapport with you meaning they actually LIKE seeing your content... Crazy I know.

So basically you do not want to send them spammy BS emails because they will unsubscribe or mark your emails as spam which can get you banned from some autoresponders and make all  future emails hit the spam folder.

That's 5 Ways to Make Money On Instagram in 2018-2019.

To recap, affiliate marketing, paid sponsorships with brands, creating your own course, becoming a shopify or Amazon seller, and email marketing are my top 5 ways of making money using Instagram in 2018 - 2019. The average millionaire has over  6 streams of income, so I encourage you to not focus too much on where you start and just get started with something because chances are you will eventually be expanding to doing everything together like a machine. 

If you have any questions regarding making money online using Instagram, how to get started, etc., feel free to reach out to me directly on Instagram.  My username is @austinvasilios and I'm happy to help you out however I can. I get many messages, but I do my best to answer all messages as soon as possible.

With these ideas in mind, it’s time to put a successful Instagram strategy into action. I have prepared an entire 2-3 page PDF explaining my entire Instagram strategy for you to download and put into action. Download it free here.

That's all for this post. I'd love to know if this information has helped you out, so let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

With all of that being said... I'll talk to you in the next one!