Today I was thinking about something and maybe I'm getting ahead of myself a bit but Steemjet is going to open people's minds to crypto light at a supersonic speed covering the whole world map and maybe this could be a very heavy task for a single captain, many cultures, many languages, many people with great enthusiasm as can be observed simply by reading the comments in this post. It occurred to me that Steemjet as well as having a "Captain General" should have "subcaptains" or "generals" in charge of regions capable of carrying the message of the captain general to their mother tongues.
Now I will speak for myself, I am from Venezuela and if you didn't know most of the Latin users in steemit come from here, in the last days I have spoken with my friends and I have been encouraging them to participate in this initiative, you have already had the opportunity to see some like @banymaracara @gacorniel and @josemiguel but we are many with the desire to work as a team. My idea is with your permission to form a team "Steemjet Venezuela" or "Steemjet Latino" with them to take this great work to many more people who speak my language and continue to grow more and more as a community, to convey the message of my "Captain General "Whoever it is and help Steemjet grow even more. But not only be here but in each region with each language there is a team responsible for getting each and every one of the ideas to their people. English connects us all in some way but it is not the only language in the world.
Hoy estuve pensando en algo y quizá me estoy adelantando un poco pero Steemjet va a abrir la mente de las personas hacia la cripto luz a una velocidad supersonica abarcando todo el mapa mundi y quizá esta podría ser una tarea muy pesada para un solo capitan, muchas culturas, muchas lenguas, muchas personas con gran entusiasmo como se puede observar simplemente leyendo los comentarios en este post. Se me ocurrió que Steemjet además de tener un "Capitan General" debería tener "subcapitanes" o "generales" encargados de regiones capaces de llevar el mensaje del capitan general a sus lenguas maternas.
Ahora hablaré por mi, yo soy de Venezuela y por si no lo sabían la mayor parte de usuarios latinos en steemit provienen de acá, en los ultimos dias he hablado con mis amigos y los he estado incentivando a participar en esta iniciativa, ya has tenido la oportunidad de ver algunos como @banymaracara @gacorniel y @josemiguel pero somos muchos con ganas de trabajar en equipo. Mi idea es con su permiso conformar un equipo "Steemjet Venezuela" o "Steemjet Latino" con ellos para llevar este gran trabajo a muchas mas personas que hablen mi idioma y seguir creciendo cada día más como comunidad, transmitir el mensaje de mi "capitan general" quien quiera que sea y ayudar a Steemjet crecer aún más. Pero que no solo quede aqui sino que en cada región con cada idioma haya un equipo encargado de hacer llegar todas y cada unas de las ideas a su gente. El ingles nos conecta a todos de alguna manera pero no es el unico idioma en el mundo.

Bienvenidos a bordo de Steemjet. Les habla su Capitán, abrochen sus cinturones y prepárense para el despegue.
STEEMJET - En las alas de superestrellas, somos palabras y Steem

I love this idea, that way more and more people will know about this amazing community.
Wonderful! I love the project , estoy seguro que podemos hacer un gran trabajo, desde Venezuela apostamos a ideas tan frescas y productivas como esta.
thank you bro!
Wonderful interpretation @jogreh, fun colors, even the steemjet name. It's perfect.
I need 1 image without the "Steemjet" letters for optional application. But this is exactly what I had in mind.
Something so intuitive that even a child can submilinally comprehend. The clock tic marks outside the circle are all you need to see to know that we are talking about time (and the steem logo is of course money at the center of the time clock). The 3 circles match the number of steem logo curves which is a seemless yet bold fun and colorful transition from the outside clock to that beautifully colored steem money logo (with steem blue surrounded by steemjet purple), and of course the steemjet name, plane, and chemtrail are all shinig brightly. This is definitely the new image to beat.
Fundamentally brilliant. Thank you for opening this door. This is the direction. I just knew you had it in you jogreh. Your composition skills have always been brilliant, but wow, your color scheme is truly inspirational. Muchos gracias mi amigo!
Maybe, when the image contests are over, we should publish the formats of the images and let people try different color schemes and transpose them on the images. This idea was inspired from the color schemes you have chosen for this and your last purple design. Childeren are emptionally intimate with colors. Every kid has their favorite colors that inspire them. Color is definitely the path to the childs's mind.
If we have a color competition, then, after you and everyone else takes a crack at dialing in the perfect color scheme for each image, then we can finally choose a limited color palette that will be official and consistant and ultimately subliminal.
This official color pallete will make all future STEEMJET artwork easier to compose when you already have a solid starting reference point.
I need to put together an update of this contest, but the captain contest is mindblowing as well.
I totally agree with your idea about multiple pilots to represent different locations on the map so we can have physical meet ups like the one @xpency just had
Hello, As you asked for it!
Thank you again for all your support, I am very happy that you liked his words make me fly haha every day I am convinced that we can do much more with Stemjet
I like your idea and vision.
Thank you @tudors
I'll join if @dimimp approved, I would love to be part of this project and continue to help in the expansion of STEEMJET. Sure we can fly very high with this great idea. ❤️
Me uniré a esta iniciativa si @dimimp la aprueba, me encantaría ser parte de este proyecto y continuar ayudando en la expansión de STEEMJET. Claro que podemos volar muy alto con esta gran idea.❤️