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RE: Steem's First Freelancing Marketplace is Online at!

in #steemj8 years ago (edited)

this is pretty typical for a steem "growth proposal". you built a tag browser, and youre representing it as some kind of revolutionary new app.... when really all you have is a way to view exactly the information available on

Its almost exactly the same recycled idea as steemsongs, steembnb and the most of the other proposals you see here. You want to make a steem based site that looks like fiverr, or AirBNB or itunes, without providing any of the value that these sites do.

EDIT to add -- theres nothing necessarily wrong with a tag viewer, or an alternative way to view the same information, it just is what it is, and not what youre advertising it as.


Sigma as it currently stands today you are exactly right because after sharing the idea a little over a month ago and getting the initial version coded all it does is tag browse. We will need more support to build it deeper with the features that will give it equal functionality with Fiverr and Upwork combined with the unmatched value of Steem!
Some of the very first features we would like are the ability to custom pin blog posts as a resume, show account value, share tracked transaction volume, and show active freelancers with skills! This first version proves our commitment to making the ideal version a reality and we will need to continue working together to build in the additional features over the next months!