know I was for a long time, at least.. and I hear my old excuses spit out of their mouths, so I can only assume they are feeling the way I have felt.what an important topic @whatamidoing. I feel like many people do not want to take the time to slow down, realize their framing and then work daily to change it.. they are looking for instant change - well, I
I have been actively refereeing my framing for almost 3 years now.. I now think it's a never ending process that is ever evolving and adapting. I have become more used to asking myself why I have the reactions or assumptions that pop into my head and over time some of them disappear. I used to be one of those "Life is hard" people.. and I wondered why my life sucked lol well I was telling myself life sucks about 100 times a day so it's no wonder, right?
And for the record, I've been on the giving and receiving end of kindness enough that I can say with confidence that some things in life are free.
Couldn't agree more - after a year of homelessness and hard times I think I can now say with confidence that the best things in life are free - and readily available - you just have to accept that it doesn't come from material items