Presenting A Simple Way to Follow Users

in #steemitx9 years ago (edited)

My impatience for the follow button to be implemented forced me to create this =P It looks great, the graph is pretty sweet plus the particle effects... but all I want is to be able to follow people! I got fed up and tore roeland's code apart (sorry) as best I could to try and cobble something together.@roelandp created the amazing simply filters the blockstream by account name

screenshot of

Enter account names in the search box separated by commas, then wait for results! They will start appearing on the right. Just leave the window open on a separate screen or another tab and check it from time to time for results.

This looks for actions coming from these users, not directed at them.
So with dan's name entered in the search box, if @dan upvotes something, you will see it, but if you upvote one of @dan 's posts, it won't show up.

NOTE: You have to wait a few moments for someone to do something before the right column begins filling up

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This is so great that a system can be designed in a way that you don't have to wait for the core devs to implement something.

Well done and thanks!

Perhaps steemit will integrate your ideas in the near future, because I find them to be very good.

My pleasure =)

absolutely right. The good thing also is, that the core devs can have a look at his implementation and learn from it. Everyone wins!


The wait is over! I have updated

  • Desktop Notifications
  • Filter / Follow Users
  • Save settings so when you come back we still remember you

And more... Please check the site via

Yay! <3 great job!

Way to go @roelandp ! Thanks for the quick updates XD

I was waiting for someone for do this hell yea man thanks! Ill make sure to put you on my follower list :) i hope you get thousands of this because its a great site and perfect tool, dare i ask if you will be analysing the data and creatimg dashboarda of stats like who has the most followers etc? Or perhaps how many a certain account has via lookup?

Yah, too a degree. But this is just a very simple follower implementation, I don't know if I want to start storing follower data because Steemit will already be doing that soon enough and will be able to do it much better than I could ;)

My favorite part in all this is how handsomely rewarded are people who create tools for steemians. Why code for wordpress open source project for free when you could make $5000 working on steem?

I guess coders the world over are gonna be flocking to Steem. Hmmm, I did not think about that aspect of the network.

This makes thing so much easier to watch. I am mining and the interface for the steemd and cli_wallet is not exactly user friendly. Constantly refreshing the steemd site was tedious also. It would be nice to get a way easily of creating a interface that could give you cumulative and qualitative summaries and stats on account and posts. There is a great set of tools for bitcoin.

I just had an idea, what do you think about an option to play a sound when something from the filter list comes up?Hi @discombobulated,

Sure, I'll add it to my list

Heh you beat me to it. I've got a similar feature on my local dev version of steemviz but v2 launch keeps getting delayed because I keep thinking of new stuff I want in there :P
Thanks for this, very cool tool for the community - the more the better IMO

definitly worth implementing.

Also, is it only me or do others also rather have the payment streem in an odered table instead of sentences?

This is another very good tool to have; thanks for making this!

This is awesome. I am going to be keeping an eye on the market makers who are gaming the system.. you know who you are !!

Nice work, glad this is here. I will be using it to follow power users to start understanding how they are doing what they do.

Its nice to people watch from time to time, or in this case bot watch =P

Man just when my love for the streem was at its peak, now I have your site to obsess about. I thank you, my employer does not haha

Thanks a million! People watching at its finest.

Now it's a mix between Twitter and Facebook and the funny part you get paid!!!
This is the start of freedom! Nice work!

nice, I find it kinda frustrating can't follow people either lol, discombobulated i was wondering if you'd check out my blog? i'm living off steem alone for 30 days, will be updating each day, and ending it with a steemit tattoo!!

Thanks, please, add more lines for text field and vertical scrollbar)

Good thinking!

I just acknowledged your work in a post that promotes the use of Steemix. Thanks for this brilliant work.

Hey thanks =)

Nah, thank you! You did all the work mate... I just put together a list and a post. Then again, all's fair, you've made like $8k from this work and I've made like $1.50 from my post haha!

Awesome tool, thank you !! Upvoted and bookmarked :D

It would be awesome if you make and spanish version of it, we have many readers that would love that!!

I'll try and add this feature on the next big update.

This is cool.
Look forward to what comes from this, and other tools in development...

Thanks for helping make the community a better place. I think that its great to see all the group effort to start and build a functional ecosystem with steemit.

Sweet. Time to go whale hunting!

Whale Hunting!
Daffy Duck Money Eyes

Some whale needs to create a trading bot named Moby. Actually Dick would be better =P

This is great, now can you post all the great steemers to follow?:D

I left that open for people to come up with =)

Very nice to see people outside of the dev team building really cool tools! Thanks a lot!

Nice work mate! Community needs people developing apps -- make sure you open an issue on their git perhaps they will update the GUI in the next implementation.

Thanks bro! We need this!! Good work!

Another very good tool to have; thanks for making this!

very useful article thanks

Congratulations on a successful article man! continue to write on!

Great job! This looks awesome!

Thank you. This was sorely needed. I hope the devs incorporate this soon. I also hope to see the recommended tab to be populated with the posts of people I follow. You wold think that if you follow someone their posts would be recommended.
Great job.

very usefull tool, apps ecosystem is growing, it is clear steem is improving in a daily basis thanks to devs and the community

Just used it for the first time. Awesome idea. I'll definetly be using this a lot more!!

Very nice infos mate . im follow u now on ;)

This is insanely cool. Huge respect.

Good Idea, Keep the good work!

So, now everyone is gonna be following Dan, Ned and all the other steem-rich guys and ride their coattails!

Simple and works. Great job. Will use.

We have the same problem about this follow button. What a relief now that my problem is solve. Thanks to your brilliant idea. Youll be one of my 'to follow list' :)

Happy you looked into my feature proposal!
Some recognition for a good suggestion that adds value is highly appreciated :)
Thanks in advance!

I have another proposal. Coul you add a Pause stream button to pause the stream when there is something I want to check out? Sometimes it goes by so fast that I miss it and ...there's not way to scroll down to it again :)

That's a pretty simple addition, I'll add it to my list! Where are you submitting feature proposals btw? Is this in Slack chat?

I comment on ppl posts... I know, rocketscience.

I've seen people create various other places, like separate, un-official, slack channels, facebook groups etc..
Short question on your platform here as I would like to look into creating some general stats about Steemit as well. Are you getting the data through Piston? I failed to join the slack channel when it was working last week ( Now I see that it's in maintenance mode, has been for a while and I'm not sure it will come back soon by the looks of it. Maybe too many people wanted in to ask for Upvotes or something.

This uses steamjs and piston's websocket:

I'm replying here as it reached the stacking limit with your comment below.
Thanks for the info. I will look deeper into this as I would like to understand stuff like: accounts with most steem, most voted posts, that earned most and stuff like that.

Great man! I program something to with this data.
take a look
I Think we need to work together as community to find the things we need and get rid of the things we don't.
Also I want thinking about the lenguage of the posts. I'm from Uruguay and speek Spanish.
Maybe we can tag the posts with Español for example and filter some way all the post from the tags Español and steemit, or trending etc.
I'm glad to be part of this in this moment.
And share with you all this. Congrats for your work!

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