In the moonshine,
With your silk castle,
Dancing with your love
And my spirit.
In the desert, designing
Tornados of sand.
I know you see me
Between the grains.
Like my love wants to
Get to know you,
Dance with your
Body and soul.
Look deep into my wholeness.
Get to know me better,
I will play your songs
With my guitar.
Dance the dance forever.
Attach yourself to me,
And ever.

Pod mjesečinom,
U svojem svilenom dvorcu,
Plešeš sa svojom ljubavlju
I mojim duhom.
U pustinji, dizajniraš
Tornada od pijeska.
Znam da me vidiš
Među zrnima.
Kao što moja ljubav želi da
Upozna te,
Pleše sa tvojim
Tijelom i dušom.
Pogledaj duboko u moje biće.
Upoznaj me bolje,
Ja ću svirati tvoje pjesme
Na gitari svojoj.
Plešimo ples zauvijek.
Pridružite se s menom,
I uvijek.

1st pic
2nd pic
3rd pic

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LOL, now this is just weird but not intended SMH read my new poem ... synchronicity is a very strange thing ...
what's with the desert, you two?! lol
You can come and visit Tunisia if you love deserts so much :D
sure lol
Wait for us in the desert with two desserts :D We coming :)
OMG OMG OMG :D :D I can't believe! :D Who knows if this is a first time we synchronized :D :P
:) lol
Another notch on the stick of days for your poetry. Very nicely done.
And I'm sure the picture on top was taken less than 50 miles from me. But I rarely see women in evening clothes there....
haha Tom, you need to look between the grains :D :D It's there hihi