Manifest-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Four

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)


Embrace the night
And silence that arises,
The stillness that surrounds us
That tastes of victory
And wears many different guises.

Listen for whispers
That speak of distant shores.
Of lands where adults weep
For long forgotten norms.

Guide the hands
that turn each dream aside.
Welcoming all that arrive,
Encourage each discovery
Leading us on paths that shine.

Speak of wonders that await us,
Envisage people
Rising up.
The power lies in wanting,
The act of never giving up.

So close,
To tasting compromise,
So close,
To giving in.
No options left,
No safety net.
For now it must begin.


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Thank you @d-pend for creating this challenge and allowing me to take the time daily to be creative and expressive. . It is something that I have never had any input with it, it comes straight from my heart, on to paper and more recently here on to steemit

Check out this great challenge here:
Join the steemit school on discord


...yet one must continue on to undo the deeds, that leave no seeds for a Motherfesting tree to Breath.

How long shall we live the illusion of fly paper and filth, while the poli-tics are selling children for their wealth

So take a rose and a tear, time will stop with all your fears....and that innocent flow, beneath you feet, is the way to go, that leads to Golden Peace~*

Kfx The Inspiration Junkie

very nice, thank you for sharing this with me, I like it a lot. Steem on.

Thank you for feeding my inspiration addiction to allow me to write it,
Your poem touched me truly!

you're very welcome and thank you again.

Always love to read your poetry!

thank you niina x

This is the most tragic AND positive -at the same time- verse I read in a long time:

So close,
To giving in.
No options left,
No safety net.
For now it must begin.

Love it ... 'for now it must begin'....<3
Amazing challenge by the way!!!! Very demanding for me right now but looove the idea !!!

thank you @meanmommy33 for your feedback, it is meant to be both, but hopefully enough to create action.

I like this

Guide the hands
that turn each dream aside.
Welcoming all that arrive,
Encourage each discovery
Leading us on paths that shine.

This poem for me is a paradox. It seems dark. Yet it grips. The sheer intensity of these speaks to someone who has gone into places many of us would like to ignore. Thumbs up for this effort.

thank you @nicholas83 for your feedback. I do believe that we all need to move towards being more active in our lives. There is always hope for bringing about change.

Wow! How lovely, this is quite the challenge and I wish you luck in the contest. xx Eagle

Eagle UpComm.jpg

thank you @eaglespirit, I hope I can continue to stay in it x

no pressure, do it when you can. as you can see i have been way too chicken to join myself. lol

I liked this part the best. Words are spells and we are building and enchanting our world with everything that we are saying!

Speak of wonders that await us,
Envisage people
Rising up.
The power lies in wanting,
The act of never giving up.

Thank you @spellmaker, words are indeed our spells, we all are so capable of magic.

It has truly begun. Keep it up

What a challenge this is! 100 days! I wanted to do it but didnt dare! Imagine the progression you'll see. Manifest it all!

thank you @shivvi, not sure if I will see it through but I will try. You should have got involved xx