This is my ninetieth entry for the Steemit School of Poetry 100 Days Challenge.
Too many things are
strings or pearls
snatched by titans
Too many things are
a whirlpool of chances
in a hurricane
Too many things explode
in a cacophony of impossibilities
Too many things lack something
to get hold to
Too many things are
too many layers deep
Too many things stray away
from the planned path
Too many things are like
mustangs in stampede
Too many things are
a herd of cats
Too many things are
out of reach
out of our control
for we are but
ants on a tennis court
prone to being squashed
at any time
oblivious to the
rules of the sport
let alone how the
tournament works
This poem talks about how we humans are insignificant in the great scheme of the universe, life is too complex for we even to grasp or even see a few movements in advance. The ilussion of free-will is but delussion of grandeur and lack of humility.
:) That somehow reminds me "What If The Sun Were A Ping Pong Ball?"
https://steemit.com/steemstem/@procrastilearner/what-if-the-sun-were-a-ping-pong-ball by @procrastilearner and I also think @beograd @lemouth @irelandscape would find sth in it, too. ∜mp (Usa @originalworks para indicar que el texto es suyo.)
De acuerdo contigo, @sansoncarrasco. Como hormigas somos. En una oportunidad te lo dije: la brillantez del poeta está en la mirada, siempre en la mirada detallada. Como es que pasa el tiempo y ya te faltan 10! :)
Y renaceré de mis cenizas como el Gato Félix. Un abrazo Nancy, Nancy, Nancy.
demasiadas cosas reales solo formaran partes de una simple ilusión...