This is my seventy-seventh entry for the Steemit School of Poetry 100 Days Challenge.
uprooted saplings
torn out sprouts
broken off shoots
youth with no past or future
they flee like startled geese
ants flee flooded galleries
young men and women flee
the rotten homeland
but unlike said ants
they don't intend to come back
to reconstruct
can a country thrive without blood?
can a tree yield fruits without sap?
who will bury the dead?
whose tears will wet the tombstone
of the old man?
whose tears will wet the tombstone
of the old woman?
some countries will receive
a young blood transfusion
some countries will reject them
as foreign tissue
some countries will swallow them
as food for the machine
some countries will re-plant them
and see them into full grown trees
some other country will be
pollinated by our diaspora
we will blossom somewhere else
because we are good seed
it's just that this soil has been salted
this wine has been rendered unpalatable
to those who still have something to offer
to those that still have been offered something
uprooted and unripe
yet struggling and resolute
this is but a long good bye
we are neither the first
nor are we the last
to be uprooted
from our motherland
This poem talks about brain drain; how a country's young people are emigrating in a massive scale, only comparable to wartimes. It's all about upheaval and bereavement and taking root in more promising horizons. This should leave the reader wondering who suffers the most, those who flee or those who stay.
Querido @sansoncarrasco, que poema tan duro y tan cierto. Tal vez es muy duro porque es muy cierto. El país se nos ha convertido en un largo adiós. Y no solo de jóvenes...
Casi me da pena darte el mensaje que quería, aunque, ¿quién sabe?, tal vez te de una gota de alegría y por un momento ese adiós sea solo un paréntesis: hay una escena que hace tiempo me dijiste que querías ver. La puse en mi blog, dedicada a ti.
Recibe un abrazo enorme.
Hola amiga @adncabrera. Es desgarrador lo que estamos viviendo. Gracias por el detalle, :) te dejé un comentario.
Un poema doloroso y conmovedor, mi querido @sansoncarrasco. Has versado la cruel realidad que nos perturba y acongoja.
Es triste ver la partida de nuestros jóvenes buscando en otros países lo que el propio no les puede ofrecer. Qué tristeza!
Es desgarrador lo que estamos viviendo, Auro (@aurodivys)...
Qué difícil se me hace hablar y comentarte, @sansoncarrasco. Creo que hay una gran parte de mí que se ha ido. Soy un archipiélago, una isla. Nuestros muchachos no sabrán de cumpleaños ni de la fiesta improvisada al final del jueves, tampoco sabrán de sus muertos. Tierra arrasada la nuestra. Qué madre es esta que no protege a sus hijos? Con el corazón pequeño, te abrazo-
Viena a mi recuerdo "Luvina"...
It is a poetic creation with a powerful message: there is no hope for young people in the country. I fully identify with the expressed feeling and I know the feeling at first hand because I am Venezuelan, like the author.
The poem talks about the diaspora, the abandonment of the country and the family in search of a better future. The idea of uprooting is raised as a direct consequence of the farewell of the mother country.
Friend, congratulations for your great work.
Thanks dear friend poet @corderosiete.
Our sad reality is what you have compiled in your excellent poem, Sanson. Little by little, we empty ourselves of the future. The young wrestlers and professionals are gone. Now, with this electoral debacle, we will be much less the survivors of that, we will see how we lose piece by piece what remains of the country.
I was surprised by this phrase because of the great truth it contains:
I accompany you in sorrow.
A harsh reality... Who suffers the most, those who flee or those who are left behind?
Tenia tiempo que no leía algo que me aguara los ojos, como escritor sabes mover las fibras del ser, te felicito y te respeto... es usted un ser especial capas de plasmar el corazón en simples palabras, tarea nada sencilla de alcanzar
Gracias Denisse, aunque no hubiese querido que te pusieras triste.
Tienes mi voto. Soy amigo de Adriana.
Gracias @moliere, se agradece tu visita y tu voto.