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RE: 100 Days of Poetry Challenge Update [Day 0] (Day 1 starts at 6 PM GMT!)

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)

What a great initiative friend @d-pend, I would like to propose you the possibility of expanding this contest for the Spanish-speaking members, since to participate in English, the translation of our poems would surely affect the metric syllables, rhymes and other characteristics that can make a poetry beautiful.

In case of accepting, I volunteer to help you review the poems in Spanish through a team that I have formed called Gallegos in honor of the most outstanding Venezuelan writer of our history "Romulo Gallegos" and in such a way, serve to help the large community of Spanish speakers that is growing on this platform.

I await the answer to my proposal, a hug!

Translated with


Oh wow @jamsbacon I'm super interested. I'm just now waking up so sorry for the delayed response. I think it's an amazing idea, could you message me on Discord? (@d-pend#5693) Puedo hablar y entender Español, pues, no soy fluente pero leo un de mis poetas favoritas Octavio Paz en Español y Ingles tambien. En este caso la escritura es fantástica en ambas linguas porque él estuve trabajando con Eliot Weinberger, un poeta inglesa, a traducirla.

They lose a bit of their flair, perhaps, but wonderful translations can be made if an English poet and a Spanish poet work together to do so. In fact, I wish to meet such a person to translate my poems to Spanish, eventually. Anyway, thanks for reaching out! Please contact me in Discord ASAP!

Ready friend, I've already written you for the discord in my Spanish language, I'll wait for you there! Greetings. :)