Today a 21 y/o homeless Trans kid came to me with an awful story of their upbringing. What they told me, left tears in my eyes….

in #steemitsaves9 years ago (edited)

Any profit from this, I will match in cash and will go to helping this kid get back on their feet. They are a kind hearted soul who never had a chance.

I live in Portland, OR which If you haven’t heard is a quite liberal and accepting town. Which is why this kid moved here in the first place. They asked that I don’t use their real name and since they identify as both genders I’ll use an ambiguous name like Pat.

It kills me that we live in a country that has enough food to feed and enough homes to house all the hungry and homeless. Yet, we throw away half of the food we grow and have empty homes all over the country.

Pat is a 21 year old homeless human living on the streets of SE Portland. I first met Pat about 6 months ago at a coffeeshop in the Belmont district where I go on a daily basis to sit and do my work. Pat took a while before they said a word to me, about 2 months of seeing them every day lingering in the coffee shop. I noticed Pat looking like they were sleeping outside (this was in February).

One day Pat walked up to me and said what are you doing here? I sat and talked to them about Crypto Currency for about an hour and saw a strike of genius in a kid with this tortured soul. Well little did I know…

Today when I saw Pat they were very happy to see me, but I could sense they were going to drop something heavy on me. Long story short Pat told me a sad story of their childhood to present day that made me cringe.

Pat said, “ I’m just getting to the point where I’ve began to be honest about who I am and where I come from. So I thought you should know because I feel bad for not being genuine with you from the beginning but my former reality is hard to admit... My mother was a forced prostitute against her will. My Father was a pseudo-pimp who had my mother hooked on drugs and on the street working 24hrs at a time. When I was 15 my mom died and my father had no way to support his own drug habit anymore so he introduced me to drugs and put me on the street to do my mothers work and did so quite forcefully. I ran away from home 1 year ago ..”

##Just the fact that they would come to me in the first place showed that they have few in their life they can trust.

I once grew a garden called Satoshi Garden for a surplus of homeless people who were being shipped to my home town from the Bay Area. They would get $20 and a bus ticket to Modesto, CA, while the local Sheriff was getting $250 per homeless head sent to our county. So you could say I have made it one of my missions to help people in unfortunate situations.

So lets help out Pat because it is as easy as one click and costs you nothing!


Well $0.81 wont be hard to match...

sad story @forrestwillie hope things work out for them

Yeah man me too. Some People never had a chance from the beginning. I hope we the Steemit community can help them out. I was very Fortunate to be born into love.

You got my upvote @forrestwillie! Hope to see things work out for Pat.

Life drag us here and there and people who has no power can't really do a thing. It's a great idea to do something little for Pat. It's actually a good idea to do something like charity for people in need.

Wow that is amazing, shows how far humans can get with a positive attitude.

I'm skeptical about this one... Any proof of Pat?

I would love to verify pat's existence. But its a hard thing to verify anonymously. I run the steem-press podcast I might be able to convince them to come on. The 2 things they said was when I asked them if I could write this was that I didn't give a name and used no actual pics of them. If you can think of a way to verify I'd love to hear. And trust me I would not be writing about something this awful if i wanted to make $. I'd much rather write about anything else. Thank you to all who voted and I understand you're skepticism as well. Hope to hear back from you!