Wow, what an incredibly beautiful piece you've created. Artisan to the max!
And yes, spring = green for sure!
Great stuff making that rye bread, looks fantastic & i like the seeds additive!
Btw your garden looks mega-cool!
Wow, what an incredibly beautiful piece you've created. Artisan to the max!
And yes, spring = green for sure!
Great stuff making that rye bread, looks fantastic & i like the seeds additive!
Btw your garden looks mega-cool!
Haha, the garden came with my husband!!15 years ago when I moved to the house I was like: "let's dig a big hole and put in a pool..the garden is the perfect size..."(I was just kidding) I got the most horrified look from him ever!!!It was pretty hilarious :) anyway, it's a great place, wouldn't change it for the world! I'm glad you liked my sandwich!!!