My First Steemit Post - "Boy, was I wrong"

in #steemitpost8 years ago

Several years ago (feels like it happened yesterday). My close friend came to me one day enthusiastically about a revolutionary new concept called a blockchain. A system in which transactions are possible between peer to peer without the need of a central organization and the currency is called Bitcoin. I had no idea what he was talking about at the time, but I was already skeptical. It didn't make sense to me how an unregulated currency that does not hold to a single central institution such as a bank be transferable value to a USD. When he told me, BTC was worth about $7 back then, and now it's over $1,500! What I didn't seem to grasp back then wasn't the actual coin, but the foundation it was built. I was naive and misinformed of what BTC was trying to accomplish. The value of the framework which is to connect nodes in a networked globe. Anybody who has an Internet connection, whether or not they have a bank can receive funds from anybody at any time within an instant. The same thing is now happening to STEEM, where users can incentivize one another from an article just like this one and sharing content. I think its genius and want to share it with all my fellow bloggers. Steemit is a place where we can all prosper in a shared economy which is why I believe this is the greatest time to be alive, and I am grateful I can experience it with all of you. I still am a bit skeptical of what to come in the future, but I believe as long as you aren't spending your grocery money on this. You should be okay. A high risk for a high reward, I'll take that on the side.



GREAT. All the best for your future posts. Enjoy Steemit :)

I think even the true believers in Bitcoin were wrong. I know I spent years thinking about how by now it would be past $10,000. Glad last year I finally started investing into good alt coins. The magic of the blockchain is trustless consensus not just one single coin. The use cases are so big there's many not even thought of yet.

Great story. Welcome to Steemit @pizdie

I had a similar story. I heard about Bitcoin in 2010 or 2011. I did not believe it could ever work. If I remember correctly the price was around two or three dollars and I thought it was impossible to move much higher. I Also did not know how to buy some. But in the years after the name Bitcoin kept coming up occasionally and after the crash from $1000 to $ I100 I started to get interested. The first one I bought for around $250. My 'strategy' was to buy some Bitcoin every month. During the time Bitcoin rose exponentially. I experimented a bit with trading along the way. Won some, lost some. Made some bad decisions. For exaple, I sold all my Ripples a while ago. And see what's happening now. But fortunately, I also made a few good ones. Joining Steemit was one of those good decissions. Overall I'm very excited about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

I upvoted and follow. See you around!

Thanks for sharing your story! Love the Office Space clip!

People that can do it and have experience in the traditional stock markets of identify the right assets should be taking major positions in blockchain tokens. Yes, its extremely volatile and risky if you don't have a good plan but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for your average investor to 10X to 20X their wealth in a short period of time. If they are willing wait longer (5 years) some coins will produce 100X returns making just a $1000 investment worth a million dollars. Lots of trading opportunities too! This is just the beginning years and its still early reap the massive gains for the opportune investor.

When a friend of mine introduced me to steem I was like what the heck is that?! I was really skeptical at first and waited a year to check it out. So far it seems to be worth my time. It's a fascinating world when you start understanding cryptocurrency.

Ill have this place condemned. Ha love this movie. Come by my page now and again. I post recent video and new articles about all the hott topics of politics, money, crypto and world events taking place.