Did you take this photo?
This is an urgent request — would you please edit the description of this photo on your Flickr page OR the Instagram page. This is to confirm that you are the owner of the page, and the photo. Just add something like 'Steemit', and let me know here.
If we can't confirm that you are the owner in time, we'll have to disqualify the image and forward to the plagiarism team.
Please respond soon. Thanks!
After looking through your page a bit more and finding other evidence of plagiarising, I'm not going to give you any benefit of the doubt which I was going to at first.
When users enter phtoographs into my contest I check them all for plagiarism. It's a VERY BAD IDEA to enter plagiarized pictures, even when they try to be smart about it :)
I suggest that you stop trying to do this and start fresh with a new account, because you've ruined this one by doing this.