Here are my most recent posts: **TIP : DON'T WASTE YOUR VOTING POWER on posts that are old and have already been paid out. ONLY Upvote POSTS THAT ARE 6 DAYS OLD below to earn yourself curation rewards. .
- Ravaged!
- The Code Red Wind Storm Forced Me to Switch to A Polycarbonate Green House
- The Secret In Getting A Cherimoya Seed To Successfully Germinate
- Mother Nature Thinks It's Already Spring
Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Hopefully you do get to read it now since there's nothing else that comes after it except that picture below.
Wow beautyfull photos :D good job
Beautiful captures. It has been so dark and dreary here this month I especially like the yellow flower as it gives the hope of spring being near.
I understand your missing the sun today as we are experiencing that so many days now. Also, I have meant to mention to you as I have noted on your other post the instruction not to waste one's voting power on post over 6 days old (paraphrased) as I was wasting voting power for a while when I first came to the platform. Thank you for sharing.
I haven't seen you in a while
it's great to see you again
thank you!
yes.. it's been very very gloomy
am glad that reminder gets to help
I put it there cause plenty of peeps still up old posts of mine which is am thankful of at the same time feeling sorry for them knowing it doesnt do anything to the post nor earn them anything - wasted voting power but still a lot are doing that sighs.
Oh, they are so small . I've never seen a live lavender flowers. I saw a lot of photos through the search engine. It is very beautiful! In the spring You will have a beautiful garden when they bloom. I liked the photo Entry #1 "Bloem Muur". Wall flower it's name from the fact that they are climbing the wall up to the sky, as a hedge? Or I not so understood? He looks very vulnerable. It's amazing how they managed to survive the hurricane. Thank you!
they can grow on walls
but I don't really know why they call it "muur bloem" not the other way around :D
they're in between the gooseberries and the blueberries that's why they've survived
Gotta get my camera out and practice
thanks for this information about this contest...
It's a pleasure to see the pictures.
Amazingly beautiful and that they can look like this this season surprises me.
Your photos are professional @englishtchrivy
thank you
I'm not really a professional photographer
am self taught :D
I just shoot shoot shoot then choose :D
And you are very skilled at doing that
thank you!
practice - lots of practice :D
l am looking forward to your new flowers photos.There must be other beutiful flowers in your backyard. @englishtchrivy
Wow !!! What a captured by you. It's really incredible work . I loved it.
You did very well job. Such a some amazing shot. These pictures says many things behind the scene . Meaningful photograph.,,,,, You show off the beauty of nature, How charming it is !!
I appreciate you man, @englishtchrivy
thank you
I'm a WOman!
When you wanna teach me About photography dear @englishtchrivy...
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.
I am proud to have a beautiful friend With remarkable skill. Thank you for the wonderful photo results @englishtchrivy.
wow .... nice flowers and nice post.
These pictures are beautiful and lovely... I truly love seeing this kinda things, thanks for feeding my eyes with these amazing beauties...thanks for sharing....your post is so beautiful so regularly follow your blog
Wow great photography.Excellent moment.
what an amazing photography!!
very nice flowers
Really amazing and the most beautiful shots. I really love these shots. I did not know that it was a lavender flower really.
What a stunning photo.
Good job!
Wao what good pictures you took, I love your work, I hope you keep posting more photos, check my account and give me your opinion about my images.
Wow just amazing photography man I really like you 👌👍
I love photography of flower. they are beautiful ;) Nice work english !
thank you!
the quality so millimetric to take such good pictures surprises me, very good photos, colors, everything
These awesome photos really wanna make me a good photographer someday. Nice post and thanks for motivating me.
Unseen flower, nice
awesome flower collection. below was one of mine :D

posting is very good,
Alamo process in plants.
I am coming on your wall, well done and bwst shot dude. You have Beautiful photos are nice views, while good photos that fit the target. In my opinion, it takes a "Wow Effect" to make our work memorable. "Wow effect is needed to make a good photo more talk. Good job and well done. You've presented a photo representing both of them. An amazing photo result. Don't to visit my blog for my latest post
if you don't remove that irrelevant pic in your comment I'd flag your post
your photo it is very good..! Thank you..Re-steemed
thank you
Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.
Looks like you are enjoying options when it comes to editing....brilliant.
Enjoying these unique photos......of a garden favourite....the lavender flower. ^__^
Good luck in the contest.
A bientot mon ami.
thanks mon ami
still getting the hang of it
I accidentally found out that feature while tinkering on the buttons :D
you knew it's a lavender right? :D
The first photo from entry 3. If you didn;t wrote that is a flower.. I still would be guessing..
haha I didn't want to reveal what that is
I wanted to ask but then I thought it's a contest
peeps might think it's not a flower haha
sorry ff in het Nederlands...
Groot gelijk laat ze lekker raden. Ik wil niet slijmen maar die budding entry 2, heel mooi. En handig om te weten van de instellingen. Ik ging ze zoeken op mijn camera maar kon ze nog niet vinden.
Ik reageer meteen maar ff op je laatste post. Zou op al je vragen het niet weten, ook van die "muurbloem" of "bloemmuur" niet :)
Fijne dag daar
dank je wel
is die ook Nikon? if yes.. zoek gewoon de icon die zegt "guide" dat is boven de "auto" van je camera, draai dat aan de "arrow" dan vind je 4 instructie - kies de "retouch" en dan "selective color " zegt de mijne maar dan is de mijne in het Engels is
geef niks .. geen probleem
meestal zijn de vragen ook voor tuin mens :D
of hoe noem je mens die tuineren voor hobby hebben?
tuinman? :D
Weed-kwekers :)
Heb aantal zomers weed gekweekt in me buitentuin. Hield verslagen bij op maar die site is helaas uit de lucht.
Maar daardoor kwam ik er wel achter dat niet alleen weed kweken maar tuinieren in het algemeen leuk en interessant is.
Amazing, so little flowers but hold so much beauty.
I can feel that flower power thanks to you.
beautiful tickets dear friend @ englishtchrivy, I admire the good eye you have to capture the shots of the pictures, you are very professional, all the pictures are really beautiful, however the one I liked the most is the little yellow flower "" Muur Bloem " ,
Thank you very much for sharing these beautiful pictures
I wish you a wonderful week
Reading your post make me feel that, I was at your back yard and I observe it. The flower is always inspiring.
awesome flowers...& i like flowers... & great photography...thanks for sharing dear #@englishtchrivy
thanks your post!
These are absolutely gorgeous 😊 you are great with your photography and editing too!
very beautiful, the focus is amazingly perfect, i can see some amazing photo parts. thank you brother has clarified how to take the object.
Hey Ivy, those are some amazing close up shots. Love the description along the way as well. Keep em coming!
The second shot was mind blowing how cool was that each shot was amazing :D
these shots are super interesting to look into thanks for sharing them :)
So tiny, so beautiful! You have a wonderful garden :))
Ya really ,they are indeed tiny and yet beautiful :)
Both the Images are great ;)
I like so much your work!! @englishtchrivy
Amazing pictures, like it
Wonderful and very nice
I encourage you to take such pictures
I also take pictures like this😍