How to Make Flowers from a Flannel Bouquet


If you want to create floral bouquet creations flowers follow these steps. I want to share tips and tricks to make this unique skill.

Young entrepreneurs reveal that making flower bouquets from flannel is quite easy provided there is intention and patience.


The ingredients needed in making flower bouquets from this flannel material are:

  • Flannel fabric with different colors according to taste.

  • 1 sheet of green flannel

  • 1 piece of colored flannel cloth free for flower holder

  • Scissor

  • Glue Candle / Shoot

  • Paper Tissue

  • Ribbon

For the steps to make a bouquet of flowers are:

  • Prepare all tools and materials

  • Do the first step by cutting the flannel cloth twisted patterned like an oval shape.

  • After that, make a flower of the pattern by rolling it in turns starting from the tip of the pattern and adding glue to the last roll that is meant for the flower to form firmly. Perform this step on both other patterns until all is formed into flowers according to the size of the bouquet you need.

  • Next paste and arrange the flowers that have been made of the flannel, on the fabric cradle that has been made early by using glue, do not forget to start from the middle followed melngkar so it becomes a perfect circuit.

  • Give a colored cover kertan section of flowers that have been strung.

  • Give finishing by tying the ribbon under the bouquet of handrails.

So, basic materials and steps if you want to create flower bouquet creations from flannel.

Thank you may be useful ^_^


Wellcome, amazing art.
Cool man!!!

thanks @barvon , i like it :)
