If someone gives you enough money to finish college or more, would you go or invest in business?
Let's say someone gives you $150,000 right now and ask you to finish college or invest the money into business, what's your reaction and response to that question?
To me, $150 000 is a lot of money$$$$$$$$. But I personally think that I would use the money to invest into business. WHY???
I like to go to school, but I don't pay attention much in class, and I am not the best student neither. I like learning new things from school, but I don't like doing tedious thing over and over again and have tons of worksheet and workbook to finish. I would definitely take the money to tart my business. It doesn't have to be a big company, but I will use the money in the right way and make the best out of its value.
Money brings happiness and power, and I mostly agree. I do not to waste 4 years of college when I know that I have a bigger chance to succeed in life. What if my business turn out to be progressing? After 4 years, I could be the owner of my business; on the other hand, at the same time a graduate from college would look around trying to apply for a job.
What's about you? Tell me your opinion!!!