Chapter One: A name day to remember
Chapter Two: The First Awakening
Chapter 3.1
The Stone of Wisdom
After the tears subsided and his emotions calmed, Keth remained lost in his thoughts. For nearly a half hour he sat, stroking his beard, reflecting upon his latest experience. Amongst all the questions that fluttered about his mind, one stood out above the others.
What was that voice, that called me back from death?
Finally convinced the answer would not manifest itself through sheer pondering alone, he abandoned it for the time. Deciding instead to seek out his Grandfather’s wisdom, he rose, opened the door to enter the house.
“And?” The old man suggested, as he swept his hand open, in a sign of invitation.
“What?…” Caught off guard, amidst his entrance. “How did you know...”
“No time for me to explain that now. In due season, I will reveal to you all that I know. For when you are ready, only then will you have eyes to see...”
Karlios paused for a moment to exposing a white stone he had hidden in the palm of his hand. He held it out to Keth.
“Here is your name day gift... Now, tell me what you saw.”
Keth was perplexed and a bit aghast by the strange and seemingly cryptic response from his Grandfather. He decided that of all the things he had witnessed that day, this was not worthy of his concern and told his experience. Leaving out, of course his little run in with Azra, which had almost entirely, escaped his mind.
As He relayed his outer body experience to Karlios, he rolled the peculiar white stone in his palm. The stone seemed far too heavy for its size. It also seemed too cold, as though it was immune to the heat of his hand.
As he conveyed his story the aged man would ask a qualifying question or two. At times he would nod in a sign of understanding, or simply say. “Oh yes, of course.” As though this was all just a normal everyday experience.
This behavior continued throughout his retelling of the event up until the end where Keth mentioned the commanding voice. At the utterance of this Karlios’ mouth broke into a smile, letting out a light chuckle.
“What? Do you think I’m crazy or something?” Hurt by his Grandfathers response.
Karlios lost his composure completely. What began as laughter quickly turned into a laughing fit. The like of which he had not experienced in well over 120 years. He could not contain himself, this was therapeutic. A slight lifting of his heavy burdens, and the many secrets of which he carried daily.
This outlandish behavior upset Keth to his core. In a gesture of his distaste, he threw down the strange stone and turned to walk away.
The old man noticing his laughter's effect on his young protégé, abandoned this temporary reprieve. He regained his composure.
“Did you not recognize the voice?”
All emotion fell from Keth's face, as the revelation struck him like a wall of stone.
“It… was… you?”
“Yes… This is how I knew… I was watching your body... Although I could not see what you saw. I am well trained in the arts of viewing, but I do not have your gift…”
Keth turned around to face his Grandfather. He could feel the emotion swelling behind his face.
“You can see the Aura of others, this will serve you well. Once mastered with a look, you will be able to judge the nature of a man.”
Keth’s eyes began to burn from holding back the tears.
“Please do not lose this stone.” Karlios proceeded to pick it up. Then purposefully placed it into the younger man's hand. “For within it, I have locked away your birthright. My wisdom etched within its mass. Locked away until you are able to see...”
The old man looked deep into the younger’s eyes and spoke
“Go... Seek out what I have prepared for you.”
Keth swallowed deeply. Pondering the words his Grandfather spoke. Unsure how he would carry out this task, he agreed regardless.
“I will go, I’m not sure how, but I will try.”
“Before you go, shall do an exercise?” Suggested the older man. Sensing the insecurity within his apprentice.
“Yes, please.” He whimpered. Slightly relieved of the suffocating stress. He let out a cough to regain his composure. “Yes, that would be good.”
The building pressure instantly dissipated, knowing that he was once again in the hands of his loving Grandfather. The man whom had raised and cared for him for as far back as he could recall.
“Ok then, follow me.” Said the Elder and lead Keth to the upper floor.
This is chapter 3.1 of my Steemit Novel.
I will be attempting to complete the next section as soon as possible, but I have no idea as to exact time tables of when this will be. Your support would certainly help start a fire under me and help this project move forward with more force.
If you find this work of value, please consider Resteeming it. I am but a tiny fish in a massive ocean of talent and spam alike, and will very much appreciate any help I can get at getting my work seen.
PS Remember Don't hate me I'mjustsaying
If any "Artists." are interested in making some cover art inspired by my writing. I would be happy to showcase your work in future posts. I will link to your profile, of course giving you full credit for your hard work. If interested comment with your image on this post.
I agree that Grammarly would be awesome and I would love to see more as it is an interesting plot. I already read the question about the eyes, so I won't ask! ;) Tip!
Those dang eyes!!! lol thank you for you kind words. I will be writing more and hopefully will catch more of the obvious mistakes with my freshly installed software.
"Thank you kindly for the tip, my lady." As he tips his duckbill cap to @dswigle and gives the slightest of bows.
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I think it's interesting the Karlios is over 120 years old. I wonder what that would even feel like. And is there a reason their eyes burned?
Yeah I don't want to give to much away but that was a hint that not everything is as it seems. ( I hope I fixed it to make it more clear , fixed the silly typos) I should have specified more aptly, but they began to "burn" from held back tears. I'm still learning how to convey things well in the written form. Thanks Brother for taking a read.
I really like this series. You obviously have a great imagination. One thing I suggest (and I'm not hatin' in any way), is that you install something like "grammarly" ( to catch some grammatical/ spelling errors/ typos. It's effectively your personal editor.
For example,
"Deciding instead to seek out his Grandfather’s wisdom, he rose, opening the door to entered the house." would have been picked up.
I think your work will potentially get more visibility with just a few small changes.
Well done though, a great series and looking forward to the next part.
Thank you once again @markangeltrueman, your suggestion to use a grammar checker was immensely beneficial. Your advise has allowed me as an author, to present a more refined piece for the reading pleasure of the Steemit community.
I am, but an untrained writer who greatly values the thoughtful, helpful, and wise comments of my readers. For through them, I hone my work, perhaps with enough wise guidance, I may even master my art.
If you have any more advice, or if you are enjoying the story going forward, I would love to read any future comments you may have.
Steemit: "The only social media Worth using."
P.S. Don't mind ^this^ little guy. It's just a tag I throw in when I've spent far to long polishing a comment. :^)
Congrats on the curie upvote on your latest post. I'm just gutted that i wasn't around at the time to submit it to curie myself.
Yes, I totally agree. Don't worry about offending me, I have rather thick skin. Thank you for your kind and insightful comment.
So you decided to keep sharing the novel on Steemit?
Yes otherwise, I may never make the time to write it. Instead I would be writing other things with a seven day turn over. Those would be of less personal value, and undoubtedly would not stand the test of time. Perhaps I will change my mind in the future. For now I would like to share my work freely, with my hat upon the ground excepting any donations others may choose to drop in. What I post to Steemit is but a rough draft of the final piece. If it's polished state is one that I am unable to sell, maybe I will just slap my pen name on it and give it away free. This whole journey will be a great learning experience for me regardless of the outcome.
Thank you for your support.