The Steemit Name Challenge

@artemisnorth named me in this challenge so I will attempt to comply on my phone keyboard - wish me luck ~grin~

The Rules:

Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
Tell us your real name!

Nominate 5 people for this challenge If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible >usernames list, mention it!* Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out

In the spring of 2017, my husband and I bought a travel trailer. The plan was to use it weekends during the summer for two or three years. My husband was in the legal field, and I always loved Latin so we named our TT "Nunc Pro Tunc".

In the legal field, Nunc Pro Tunc is when a ruling or order applies to an earlier ruling or order. In the legal meaning it is "Now for Then." The idea is we are living now for the work my husband put in then.

On the other hand, a direct Latin translation is "Now for the next" which conjurs a feeling of excitement for me... what new adventure is coming?

Lastly, a short version "NunTunc" means "Now, Then" which I use to express frustration. Like, "Now, then what have you gotten yourself into?"

We started our adventure two or three years early so when I created my Steemit account I used the short version. What have I gotten myself into???

My real name is Lindy ☆nice to meet you☆

I challenge @grayson13, @trucklife-family @mometek @deliberator @davedickeyyall

Now, for the next.


Love it! I wondered how you came up with that nic. This has been a fun way to know a little more about fellow steemians. Thanks for playing along.

Cool. I've been sick so I haven't been on for a while. I should have a post tonight.