I'm going to break this down into two parts; My name, and then my cat's name:
Part 1: Me

nothing to say, I'm afraid. It's just my name! My family name, 'Mobbs'. I guess I could go into the history of the name mobbs, but that hardly fills a whole post.So I've been nominated for this by @suesa, @lemouth and I'm pretty sure a few others, but I have
In short, the most solid sources seem to say that it originates from the Latin female name Amabilis - Lovable, Charming - which became Amabel in Old French - which shortened to 'Mab' or 'Mabbe', and the S at the end is added as a metronym, as in 'Son of'.
Son of Amabel, basically.
It would have been a short trip from Mabbs to Mobbs given people's illiteracy and various dialects of the time, and the first known instance of the name - John Mabbe - was indeed way back in 1278 during the reign of King Edward I during a time when the government started individual tax, requiring everyone to have surnames. So Mobbs comes from possibly one of the earliest surnames in the Western world, which is kinda interesting.
Part 2: My Cat

First, thanks @anevolvedmonkey for the idea! You're nominated by default =P
My cat is about 3 or 4 years old now. I don't remember how many years pass, but I know he was born around midnight on Chinese New Year, so his birthday changes every year.
He was the son of my friend's cat, Ash, who was very undersized and quiet but generally the kindest and most chilled cat ever. During her pregnancy, there were a group of us there to keep an eye on her because of her concerningly diminutive size, and also celebrate Chinese New Year when it happened, and she started walking around outside of her nest being weird until a little kitten popped out.
This kitten we named temporarily after the music that was on at the time; Enya.
We decided any future kittens to be named after whatever music was playing. I was ok with this but I wanted to name all of them names that rhyme with 'Ash'; Bash, Mash, Smash, Rash. Would have been delightfully stupid but only temporary names anyway.
However, nothing else happened for at least another 30 minutes so we decided to put on the Nintendo Wii and have a game of... Super Smash Bros. You can probably guess what happened next.
Well, after quite a long time, he was born (mostly) problem free, alive and well. Much later on, a third cat was born but died soon after so we can just ignore that one (Name: Emmanuel IV).
The name was temporary of course, but there was something unusual about Smash's personality as he grew. Before the adoption of Enya, I took care of both of them in my home for a week or so, and I noticed that Smash was constantly antagonizing Enya, constantly wanting to fight and compete. He is a boy after all, but even more so than a usual kitten. Enya was always so peaceful and friendly by comparison.
As time went by, the name Smash seemed increasingly fitting as he ran around breaking everything in the way, and I made the decision to just take him on permanently and it was pretty much the best decision of my life!
He is, of course, much more mature now and rarely causes any trouble, doesn't scratch or bite anything more than a playful tickle, but he is still one noisy-ass cat, louder than any others around here. You can pretty much hear him down the street. And he talks all the time. I love it.
So there you go. Not exactly what the challenge called for but whatever. If you want to take part, feel free, but I'm personally breaking most of the rules:
Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
Tell us your real name!
If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
Nominate 5 people for this challenge
Well... I chose the name because it's my name, My real name is my name, if I could change it, I'd go with HellSatan because i've no other inspiration, and almost everyone I know has already done this so i won't nominate anyone...except anevolvedmonkey

Learning to code at a young age

Ugly Smash (right) vs Pretty Enya (left)

I don't normally get given names, but when I do, they're the stupidest names in the world

Ok... Kinda getting too big for this now

He definitely can't do that now
openSUSE logo on windows desktop. That's not right.
Hahaha =P
OR your ancestors were a part of a mafia group, so they were the "mob" but later to avoid a jail sentence, they changed the name to "Mobbs" (added "bs" for bullshit). So you are a bullshit mafia. i.e. you are a nice guy :)
Cats love to sit on a laptop for the heat or they are just developing an AI to kill us all. lol
Haha, well my family do enjoy calling themselves the mobbs mob, but they have about as much mafia blood in them as I have American Pride
haha but aren't you a British? There must be some Bristish pride in you :v
But... where is your steemit name coming from?
(okay I know where is the door... :D)
Your cat is stupid.
Your mum is stupid
You are a mean person :(
You started it
You have a funny battle )))
Your cat sounds awesome. I’m also a huge smash brothers fan although I never got past the GameCube version.
My old cat was like a Pokémon, he just spoke out his name constantly, Bao! bao! Fat orange slob!
Haha... Smash has two words so I consider him a genius. Meow and *Moh-ohhh'. Still not figured out the meaning of the latter... A pokemon cat would be great for getting him through customs...hmm....