
Which is funny because I never have felt I could express how I actually felt to people..

Sometimes I simply do not know the words that match how I feel. :/

odd......I'm really introverted and that's why I spend most of my time either writing or making art.
I'm not that good at expressing myself in real time in real life, as I much prefer the company of my computer! And of course getting much needed socialization on steemit. Other social media just isn't doing it for me anymore as I feel more and more stifled on those sites.

I'm a chimera of sorts.. Deep down I'm an introvert but I've also got a healthy dash of showmanship thrown in there to make myself uncomfortable and seemingly irresistible to those who dig dancey types..

My computer is a means of business, entertainment and life.

I can't say I'm 100% introverted, I love to be center of attention on the dance floor..

But I can't say I like constant people attention either, it gets troublesome to keep up with everyone's expectations of how you should be.

Being a human is difficult.. Next round I'm totally rolling as a tree or something.