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RE: Calling out to steemians who are good teachers!

in #steemithelp8 years ago

If you want to help, as you go through this learning curve, jot down notes about what frustrates you, and after you learn it, how it could have better been presented. That is the feedback that will greatly help.

To be fair, open, and honest.. We have plenty of people that say what's wrong. Very few can offer a suggestion that totally makes people "yes! That's a great idea! Let's incorporate it."

We have tons of critics, and very few ideas unfortunately. :) I'm not suggesting your a critic, because you do want to help. We just need more really good ideas.

There are also "technical" restraints that make things cumbersome so spammers, hackers, and botnets don't destroy the network. So we have those hurdles that make this seem more complicated than it should.


very good idea, I will do this because I am well aware that once you know, you forget what it was like not to know! And yes, I hate to be a critic and was hoping to encourage experts to write, but I suppose it just sounds like criticism. Thanks for your note.

Also, I want to note that people ARE writing tons about Steemit, but just not for the super novice. I thought maybe they don't realize what makes it hard for the newbies. Anyway, your point is taken.