Haaaha!!! OMG I haven't even finished reading it but I'm itching to let you know you have killed me with this one point... I love love love.#pardonmyhumor
I DO care which is why I'm trying to help you understand that your photo of your sister's dog with it's new haircut has ZERO value to anyone except you and few other people on this Earth. Yes, it's cute, but I'm not giving up my valuable upvote for your picture of a dog.
Back to reading...
Damn, I guess I was a bit tired. I forgot that I even put that in there. My thoughts were really flowing into the keyboard last night. Thanks for reading. Talk to you today about progress on your project. ;)
Man. I love it when that happens. When you just can't stop typing your mind out. This was so lovely on so many levels dear.
Really looking forward to more, you continually keep on raising the bar for most of us!
Looking forward to your input smartie! Overwhelm me :)