What is sexual education?
Today there is a lot of publicity in the streets, schools, movies and books on the subject of sexuality, which in most cases are misconceptions, which cause confusion and leads adolescents to make wrong decisions, believing in what they saw in different places. IT IS FOR THIS REASON THAT IT IS NECESSARY TO TALK ABOUT SEXUAL EDUCATION TO ADOLESCENTS AT HOME OR SCHOOL, WITH THE IDEA OF TEACHING AND ORIENTING THEM.

Parents have a responsibility to discuss this issue with their children, so that they prepare them for when they enter into relationship with society and are not misled by advertising lies and false friendships.
Recommendations for starting the topic with teenagers.

❖ One of the main recommendations is NOT to talk about it, as if it were something bad. In fact, it is not necessary to have "family meetings" to talk specifically about the subject. The perfect time to talk about it is ALWAYS. Maybe one day the individual comes home from school with some doubt, then it's time to explain and teach.
❖ One of the best moments to talk about the subject is when the girl gets her first bleeding, is when we see that children begin to occur physical and biological changes concerning age. THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME TO TOUCH ON THE SUBJECT, AND EDUCATE IN VALUES.
Why talk about sexual education?
Sexuality is in our lives since we are born, and is present in all areas of daily life. (School, city, books), it is for this reason that we must guide our young people so that they do not fall into confusion.
Talking about this topic has very clear objectives and they are as follows:

✤ To provide adequate and accurate information, according to the age of each individual, in order to avoid mistreatment and sexual abuse.
✤ Orientation to avoid social pressures.
✤ To form healthy and strong individuals who are not sensitive to bad decisions that affect their emotional well-being.
✤ Promote courage and respect, so that this act is done at the right time.
✤ Prevents unwanted pregnancies and diseases in adolescence.
✤They are taught so that they can begin their sexual life in adulthood, when they are mature in all possible senses and can enjoy it fully and safely.
✤ They are taught to respect their own bodies and the bodies of others.