Hello friends of @steemiteducation, thanks for another activity that activates our thinking. Personally, I believe that all the lessons are fundamental for the complete development of the students.
Each subject stimulates different parts of the human being, that is why education is so complete with all its lessons, to prepare children in each area of life, to be safer, spontaneous, rational and orderly. Everything united in harmony prepares you for the future.

My favorite lesson.
Education for health:
I love being able to teach children everything related to their body and health. It is gratifying to see how they are excited to discover each part of their body, how it works and how it should be taken care of. It is important that children from an early age know the parts of their body and organs, what function each one of us fulfills and how we should take care of it to be always healthy and healthy.
It is not just to tell them that they should take care of themselves, that they should drink plenty of water or eat healthy, but to explain that the body is composed mostly of water, that we have a heart that pumps blood and keeps us alive, that we have bones and muscles , that the brain manages our body, among many other things. It is necessary that they learn all this so that they can create healthy habits from a young age.
This class is also very fun for children, as they are surprised by the wonders of the human being and everything they have inside their body that they did not know. They also learn simple but fundamental things like brushing their teeth, washing their hands before eating or washing fruit before eating. This subject is very complete and necessary in the education of all children, since it covers the body from different perspectives.

The least loved lesson.
All issues are important, but there are some that are a little more complicated to explain or that are not liked by children and that is why you should use different techniques to change this situation.
This happens with Mathematics, there are few children who like numbers, they flee from this matter. For this reason, it is essential to use the necessary tools so that children can understand and love them. Mathematics is useful in our daily life and we use it in different situations, but each time it advances its complexity is less loved.
It has not happened to children who find it difficult to learn the multiplication table, it is the most difficult stage for them, when they go from adding apples to doing multiplications. Therefore, as educators or representatives, we must manage so that children can understand them and this is the most complex part, to find a learning technique that can be used with all children, since there are learning differences for each one. That a technique works for a child does not guarantee that it works for everyone.
It is at that moment that he can feel that his work is not giving positive results, but the idea is not to decay, but to continue working on different forms of learning so that children continue to develop all their skills. And you can see with pride the success and growth of each student.

In the schools there will be subjects that you will love and others that will not be of your liking, but that are also fundamental for the development of children, you just have to always have the best spirit and be willing to positive changes that help to keep evolving. It is about getting the best teaching and learning techniques.

Thanks for the support always! and take into account my publications.