See my fish joke I did there :D (small fry!)
This is a brief primer on giving in most all the different ways it can be done on Steemit. Feel free in the comments to add anything you think I have left out...
- Up-Voting
I see a lot of newer folks not up-voting and at times this is OK but they need to know how the system works. Kicking out votes with good comments, and voting on comments is the best way to get started for a mew minnow. Some think that their vote is ZERO, since it is less than 1¢ but it does actually register. I think that the minimum transaction for any action on the network is .001 steem. Believe me these add up! Once you get a few cents a vote, and someone upvotes you back, you will see how it cascades into a pretty good flow. The first tool I have used is and it shows exactly what these curations, votes and author rewards are actually doing. I believe I have doubled my curations lately, or close to it. Check your wallet several times a day, you will see the money rolling in and it might be about a dozen different times in 24 hours. If you do not look at it but once a day, it will all add up and look like one larger reward.
- Commenting
Comment often and not a short spammy "Good Post" or "nice" or whatever, actually put something down that shows you read it and got something from it. It only takes a minute! I am pretty good at talking back to my commenters.
- Donating
On occasion, there will be a post for a donation or a link to a go fund me or the like. If it rings true to you and it's something you feel strongly about, send a few SBD, or One, or maybe .5 and guess what, it goes as small as .001 steem and sbd and if I could get everyone on Steemit to send me .001 SBD I'd have a LOT of SBD! At $4 each, it's not chump-change. Each .001 is about .004¢ right now so they do add up. 2 of those will show as a 1¢ upvote or the same in the wallet. So do not underestimate the power of giving small amounts!
- Gifting
Send you new followers, friends, or just a random person a gift. They WILL Remember you, I guarantee! Many spam accounts use a .001 'gift' just so they can send a memo you will read, but I am not speaking of this. Sens some Real Ca$h, like .1 SBD or Steem. I have sent larger, but let your conscience be your guide.
- Delegating (advanced for big minnows)
Lending SP on delegation is for those with larger amounts, the suggested minimum wallet size is 50 SP but I say one should never really get under 489 SP because you lose your "slider", which is the voting strength gauge. You can use the slider to set the vote from 1% to 100% so as to spread the vp out form a wider audience! If you give out 10 of the 100% upvotes daily, you will be basically back at 100% the next day, or 24 hours later. On the same token, you could give out 100 of the 10% votes and be back to 100% strength in 24 hours. Or any combination thereof... So do not go lower than 489 SP once you get up there, and delegate your SP. Pretty advanced, but as a new minnow getting your SLIDER should be one of the first goals. Learning how to work the systems and posting should be first.
I have done each and every one of these things
... and I do not say that to boast, but only to say this.
It All Works!
image: ; post time 15:15 EST
Before I read this post, I would have just grabbed the massage and dropped a comment and leave without an upvote, with the mind set that it will add nothing significant as a newbie, but now I know. (actually, I knew but you just emphasised on it and it struck me.)
I have always know that commenting is key in this platform cos that's the best way of getting followers who will read you post when you do start posting. But one problem am having with some big weights here is that they go fancy on us newbie. Yes some people just comment to get noticed or upvote, but some actually comments because they have a thought to share. Please they should stop going fancy on us.
You forgot to emphasise on quality content sir... Steemit receives thousands of blog posts on daily basis, but very few gets noticed... Value over price. One should endeavour to share quality contents on his/her blog because, the people on steemit is more valuable than the steem.
Nice post sir, worthy of reesteeming.
I gotta say it's obvious you read my post!
Quality content is always important, but where would I insert that in this article? So I will place it here, yes I agree that good content is a basis for building a respectable blog on Steemit or any platform. GIVING is a way to help insure reader involvement.
No on cares what you know, until they Know that you CARE!
Hmm...that's a new one..
No one cares to know what you know until they know what you cares for
Thanks fir the acknowledgement.
With all due respect and admiration to my seniors it gave me an insight to the power is vested to all steemers. Using it requires knowledge and experience. And i personally think that you are one of a kind that paves the way to many out there.
Specially the power of commenting is tremendous since big weals might be interested or trigered to comment back with upvote with right intentions.
Am not as such a good commenter but the power of it is very much high. Am following you you and your thoughts most importantly.
Thanks for the comment, I have a major announcement coming up for newb Minnows very soon! A follow is a great start, I am going to have incentives for my followers. I have an app that shows who follows and when they started, and I believe I saw your notification :D
The comment is the one of the most important! I tired of seeing good or comments made about earning and follow me and i follow you. They make you look like spammers.
Good Point, Samee :D
If you use you have the slider no matter the steempower
Some of those non-Steemit generated sliders have a greater resolution too. I have seen votes with 1 and 2 decimal places! Like a .1% vote resolution and a .01% resolution. I should look into that and things like Zappl also can have more #hash-tags as well ;)
when i first signed up with steem, i was excited and in love with the concept. eventually i got a little discouraged because of how inorganic it was seemingly becoming. not a big fan of voting bots and all the games being played. but i'm back now and ready to give it a second chance. i have a lot to learn! thanks for the tips <3
Stay Tuned, I am working on a BIG BOOST for new Steemians, you are in perfect position to benefit from it! It will be extremely helpful to someone in your position on Steemit ;)
will do! shoot i am def behind the ball on the current best practices for success. i look forward to seeing what ya got ;)
Someone like you would be perfect for it...
Yeah! You are really good at it! :) And you make the conversation flow. Really nice of you. You always make sure there is a connection. :) And this is a helpful article for a small fry like me. hahahaha!
URR! Because I am already following you! XD <3
I've known you for quite while, M...
You are pleasant as always! Cheers!
Awsome advises my friend and so true. The importance of engaging and give genuine comments on peoples posts is a good way to get followers and for them to remember you.
Well written. Have a wonderful day dear!
Cheers! 🤗
Thanks Sassa! Yes, I think you read it LOL
Go Alliance! ;)
Anytime Awsome 😊 Yes I did read it.. Lol
The only thing I did right from my beginning here was to comment on peoples posts and answering all comments... Done it ever sence and I think I've done a little good... Lol
Have a wonderful day my friend. G... G... G
you're a beautiful G... G... GURL! :*
And you are my Awsome friend...
Underground the g.. G.. G 😂😂 our crazy beat
right where U belong ;)
Thanks, this has great information.
Very useful info. Especially For newbie which is a bit lazy like me, it helped :D
I recently got my slider which makes it a lot better in here. Done all you recommend except delegation.
yes, I'd save that until you get over 600 SP minimum. In my opinion, giving less than 100 SP in delegation does little good, unless you are doing that to boost someone up over the 489 mark. Prolly best to wait until you have over 1000 SP before delegating... YMMV
One engaged reader is worth more than a hundred supposed “followers”. A lot of noobs focus on begging for followers; it’s a fool’s errand.
Post, comment thoughtfully, curate. Wash, rinse, repeat.
There is a site called "dead followers" and it seems I have about 30-40% of them...
I seem to have a lot of voters who do not really follow, which is a good problem to have. The money is nice but sometimes lack of commentary and views is off-putting. I figured I needed to step up MY Game, and it seems I was right. Views and comments are coming in.
Thanks for stopping in and for being a 1kSP Mentor! It's a Big Deal to these guys
Where can I find the bar, I just powered over 500 SP ? thanks@underground Hey Buddy,
It pops up automatically when you go to vote... I need to add a picture!
you got my first 100% upvote hahah
Actually, all your prior votes were 100% but obligatory ;)
This is your first Voluntary 100% UV!!!
Never mind found it, just tried to upvote :D
Awesome advice!
I've been here a few weeks now and at the beginning I made the mistake of voting until my VP was in the single digits. So, the last week has been a battle of deciding which few votes to give out a day so that I can watch my VP slowly rise back up. (I'm very happy I figured this out)
During this (present) climb, I have also been thinking, "does it really matter if i vote?" because my votes are, in effect, worth "nothing". I have been rethinking the matter the past few days and am glad to see you also think I should start voting again.
And for that, thanks! This was a good article. I hope someday I'll be able to delegate out some steem.
Rock on!
great informational post. my advice to all newies is vote vote vote even if your VP is low, because it doesn't make a big difference personally when you're that much of a "small-fry" but.. it will help get your name out there!
Yes Indeed! Plus, the votes DO Add Up! I just added the GINAbot service on Discord and it shows the votes down to .001 steem, and everyone's vote is worth SOMETHING. So get out there and VOTE!
Thanks DGSS, U Rock!
spread love on steemit with upvotes it cost nothing newbies rule no 1 hahha :D
Yippers! It rejuvenates over night for using 15 to 20% of VP. That is the best part of Steemit, IMHO!
Thanks Blaze, you are a steady and reliable Friend!
I didn't think to upvote when I first began, but I think I've recovered from that with a vengeance. Yesterday my VP was down around 45% and now I have to wait all day today to poser back up. It was actually a good day for a bit of a break though, because its a busy extracurricular day for my girls.
I use SteemWorld and it gives you lot of info on your account. It also as a slider for voting. It seems to work fine and is a great tool for minnows.
is that a .COM?
Thanks for the comment, Basics!
I am sorry! It has been one of those days.
Excellent work I liked it so much I wish I could continue your work on this as I will give you all the support I hope you will support me if possible Thank you for your time
Read number 2. You made the same comment for other posts. Please make a comment that makes it show that you did read.

Lol, The guy just copied and pasted.
I don't make comments on topics or articles I don't fully understand/disagree with, except I wanna ask questions to clarify or argue.
Hope you like what you find and don't be afraid to ask any questions. Love your avatar ;) Check my blog, and especially the re-steem of @spiritualmax, he's my bud and we both have stuff for newer Steemians, he is really new but a very experienced blogger.
This is so Lame...I have gotten lots like this lately 😜 weard comments that has nothing to do with the post or. Good job dude!
I'm no dude... So respect less to do comments like this and think that he will get upvoted.... Nope
@sames good comment
at Rep lvl 14 you would think the light bulb would be coming on by now... lol
Some people never learn. One exp is monero connect. Here the link to my comment to @spiritualmax telling the what they believe:
Thanks for the mention... yeap @underground I didn't even know Monero Connect existed.
Such stupidity!
Yes you would right?
And if the 👉💡 hasn't come on by now I don't think it will...
Some people want to know how things work but copy paste... Really?
Don't think that shows on effort.
check this out.You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX,