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RE: Graduate School Broke My Spirit and Gave Me Anxiety Attacks

in #steemiteducation8 years ago

Your lucky. I had so much to deal with I dropped out. Divorcing parents, full time job working for asshole bosses, stresses at home and with family problems, and my straw was an algebra teacher in college who mumbled and went so fast on the chalkboard through his lectures I couldn't understand anything he went over. To this day I wondered if he was faking knowing what he taught or if he was a math sevant poor at communication. I had no life, just existing between hell at work, hell at school, hell at home and it seemed like sleeping was my only peace. I was barely functional and should have left it all behind but felt obliged to everyone but myself. Determination to survive is all that I could seem to focus on and I lived and felt like a zombie for so long to this day I don't know if I'll ever recover. You don't have to go war to suffer from PTSD. Trama can be just as sever in continuous consistent chronic smaller seeming but compounding doses. And when the whole world seems against you or are non supportive it's multiple times that much harder. I'm glad you made it through and are reaping the rewards you've earned.