Elements Legend
Each element comes with a special training image. These contain the element number, a common application, a phonetically similar image for the name and the element symbol. The color of each training image indicates the element category.

The Major System for Numbers
To memorize all elements by number we will use the Visual Major System to encode numbers into images. Please make sure you understand its principles. Here is a quick reminder how this system works:
- We encode digits into consonants
- We pair the letters with phonetically similar consonants
- Vowels are free to create words
- Below on the graphic are the ten main letters

101. Mendelevium
In the Visual Major System 1 = T or D and 0 = R. With that we can create the word TART for 101. The one hundred and first element Mendelevium sounds like men + devil. This element is radioactive.

Men dressed like devils all eat a radioactively glowing tart and start to glow themselves. Scary!

102. Nobelium
In the Visual Major System 1 = 1 or D, 0 = R and 2 = N. With that we can create the word TRAIN for 102. The one hundred and second element Nobelium sounds like nobel prize and we can imagine a noble looking medal. The element is radioactive.

A train is driving into a giant glowing medal and explodes in a radioactive cloud.

103. Lawrencium
In the Visual Major System 1 = T or D, 0 = R and 3 = M. With that we can create the word DREAM for 103. The one hundred and third element Lawrencium sounds like law and we can imagine a gavel and scales. The element is radioactive.

You are having a dream about a really unfair process in which you take the judges gavel and hammer it onto the scales on his table. Boom, nuke explosion.

104. Rutherfordium
In the Visual Major System 1 = T or D, 0 = R and 4 = F or V. With that we can create the word DWARF for 104. The one hundred and fourth element Rutherfordium sounds like brother and we can imagine twin brothers. The element is radioactive.

105. Dubnium
In the Visual Major System 1 = T or D, 0 = R and 5 = S or Z. With that we can create the word TREES for 105. The one-hundred and fifth element Dubnium sounds like dubbin and we can imagine a shoe cleaning kit. The element is radioactive.

If you like our Major System training images you can get our premium high resolution 2-digit set with nearly 800 images from 00-99 with the English Edition or German Edition.

The Periodic Table of Elements training images are also available a premium high resolution edition.