It sounds like you're in between somewhat of a rock and a hard place, @foxyspirit. I would've thought that a child learns best when there is a common goal between the teachers and the parents. A school that tells parents not to be a part of their child's education is possibly being a little short sighted.
Thanks for reading and for commenting with such a heart-felt response. Just to address your final comment, I don't think that it has been decided that parents can't help their children learn anymore. As I said - children of a school age will likely learn the best when teachers and parents are working together to help them achieve their best possible outcomes.
That is exactly what I was thinking. But everything is so backwards. Here it is like our privileges are taken away as parents as soon as we hand our children over to them yet no one is looking at the big picture. See the kids are using smart devices already at a young age. I only found out about this last year when they sent some pictures to us through email. I dont let my kids play with tablets even if it is about learning. I am trying to keep them away from so much screen time at home. Just opinions there I guess and the world is evolving so we have to go with it whether we like it or not.
And just to add another example of how we are being detached from our kids; I tried seeking help with our health care services some time ago for my son. He had/has some destructive behavior in which I am trying to find the source. I met up with our nurse practitioner and she told me that she didn't have the means to advance in testing him for anything. She told me that I had to go through the school and it is the teacher that will tell me if something is wrong with my child. I was to go fill out papers with them, which would put us into the hands of child protective services automatically. Why would I need someone else to tell me what is wrong with my child? I am the one raising him and doing everything possible with him. A teacher that teaches him how to read, write, do math, science and teaches him to sit down for the longest part of the day will know more than me about my own child? Yet health services that is made for this won't do anything unless the school and teachers say it is ok to do so.
I have been talking to my husband about homeschooling recently. It is the only way I feel I can protect my child, teach him in a good environment and have control over what is going on. I hope it is not like this in other places. It is so important that the parents are able to e involved with their kids and what goes on in school.
Sorry about all this. It is very upsetting and we, the people, the parents, can't change a thing.