is an artificial ecosystem intended for cultivation of paddy fields. Because it includes artificial ecosystems, the biodiversity of these ecosystems is quite low. The types of plants grown in these ecosystems are dominated by rice plants so that the organisms at the next trophic level also include rice-eating organisms.
Well, related to the wetland ecosystem, on this occasion we will discuss about some examples of food chains that occur in this ecosystem. Hopefully with drawings, brothers and sisters can all understand these examples easily.
The first example is the food chain that occurs when rice in the wetland ecosystem has begun to bear fruit. Solar energy absorbed by rice plants for its growth produces rice seeds as a ready-to-harvest product. However, some of the seeds are then eaten by seed-eating birds such as birds emprit, starlings, and so forth. These birds - especially their newly hatched chicks are usually partially preyed on by rice snakes. Well, the rice field snakes are then eaten by the eagles as the highest trophic level organisms and if the eagle dies, it will decay because of the detritivor.
>An example of a food chain in the fields follows with the grass as a producer. As is known, around the galengan or dike fields we will usually encounter weeds that grow wild. This grass absorbs solar energy and converts it as a feedstock for its growth. The leaves of the grass - especially young ones will be eaten by insects, while insects will be eaten by rats. The rats were then eaten by the rice snakes as the highest trophic level organisms until later they died and were decomposed by the detritivor.

>Examples of food chains in these fields generally occur only during the growing season. The newly planted rice crop is the best food that adult masculine chooses. Keongmas itself when laying eggs, eggs are often eaten by frogs. Frogs that play around the river are easy prey for fish, while fish is the best food for snakes. In this case, the rice field snake becomes the highest new trophic level organism that will continue the food chain after death and decay.
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