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RE: Funding Education with the Blockchain, Volume 1: Books and Wobble Stools!

@ethandsmith This is a wonderful gift that you've initiated through Steemit for your wife and the children that are lucky enough to be taught by her. It shows true dedication that she care's enough to reach out for funds when in reality they should be provided if teachers are to be able to do their jobs and teach our childcare in a way that they deserve to be taught.

There are far too many stories of teachers who aren't paid enough anyway, spending their money to supplement their classrooms.

I know that she shouldn't have to do it, but has she thought about joining Steemit to help raise ongoing funds?


Hey @redwellies, thank you for stopping by.

My wife unfortunately doesn't have the time to join Steemit. She goes above and beyond spending time on her lesson planning and making sure that she's prepared to teach her students. I've mentioned the idea of starting her own profile before, but I would inevitably end up ghost writing it for her, so I think this is a better use of time and resources, especially since I can use my connections in many groups across the platform to help fund the initiatives.

I agree that she is to be commended. She is a fantastic teacher, and I'm extremely proud of what she's accomplished in just her second year as a teacher. I'm hoping these posts can fund more projects for her classroom in the future, so thank you so much for your support!