Those who defend tyranny in Venezuela, Part II


4) Los izquierdistas de libros:

Here are the socialists of caviar, the communists of Starbucks and the progressive intellectuals who live in countries where eating 3 times a day is NOT a privilege of a few.


They are those people who have never lived in communism and as Gloria Álvarez says: "they only know the theory; . They are those whose thinking on the left leads them to defend tyrannies, because they believe that confronting them is a betrayal of their ideals.


They seem to be of the same stock as those who, contrary to capitalist politics, supported the Soviet Union, making themselves blind to the undeniable crimes that were once committed.


They are those who do not know the legitimate presidency of Juan Guaido for the simple fact of having this one with the support of the United States.
To all of them I say:
That is not what this fight that we live in Venezuela today is about.


Already what of the left against the right has been displaced to second and even to a third plane. Today, the fight is between a ruthless and unscrupulous dictatorship that violates rights, and the Venezuelan who defends his citizenship and longs to recover outraged democracy.


That perennial struggle they have against capitalism should not prevent them from repudiating any act that threatens the dignity and rights of the human being, regardless of the name of the ideology that pretends to justify them.

As Ernesto Sabato said, there are no bad dictatorships and good dictatorships, they are all abominable. You can not stop criticizing for " loyalty "; to a stream of thought. What is wrong is condemnable wherever it comes from.

Therefore, I invite you not to speak from ignorance, to remove the ideological bandage and spit out that nasty propaganda gum on the left, which only seeks to distort facts and always blame outside forces to try to give force to their arguments


Condemning authoritarianism does not make us traitors to flags, nations or ideologies, on the contrary, it makes us worthy and courageous citizens who use their individual freedom to dissent and rebel against what they consider wrong.

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