Students Returning To College At Older Ages

in #steemiteducation8 years ago (edited)

A non-traditional college student is someone who is older and is returning to school after years out in the world. Most college students are young and typically attend college right after completing high school. I've taught numerous students over the age of 40. My most interesting semester was one with six students in one class all over the age of 50.


I've Always Enjoyed Older Students

The interesting thing about non-traditional students is that they have spent time working jobs, experiencing life, and are choosing to return to school. "Choosing" is an important factor in determining a person's college experience. Because many non-traditional students have already worked jobs (often low paying) they are returning to school to get better jobs...At least the student's I've gotten to know. Because they are choosing to return to school they work harder to succeed.


There is an appreciation for the education they are receiving that many young people don't have. For a kid to jump right into college after high school, the experience is different than for older people. Younger people haven't had time to struggle at minimum wage jobs while raising kids and paying a mortgage. Older students returning to school often have stories of struggle and appreciate what college can do to better their situation because they've had time to experience life outside of school.

My Most Memorable Student


My most memorable non-traditional student was a woman who was a 55 year old Dominos pizza delivery driver. She was going back to school to get a bachelors degree in counseling so she could get a better job. Being a 55 year old pizza delivery person meant working a job with no status, power, and very low earnings.

I remember this student so well because of her determination. She wanted to help people. She wanted a job that would make the world a better place while giving her life more meaning. I don't think I've ever had a student work as hard as her. Going back to school at 55 years old is hard. Memorizing and studying and learning so many new things is harder the older you get but my student was dedicated to get all A's and reach her goals.


I sometimes feel younger students don't appreciate college in the same way as older students returning after time off. I don't mean all kids aren't appreciative but many don't realize how lucky they are or how helpful college is for success in life. Today it is the norm for kids to go to college after high school. For those who take breaks in comparison, those people experience how hard it is to succeed without an education.


One thing I see with non-traditional students is a determination to succeed. Being older and having to pay for school out of pocket while holding down a job and supporting a family is a real struggle. I see many non-traditional students working as hard as they can to succeed in school and it is admirable. They want to make their time and struggle worth it and work hard to make good grades so they can have a better life for them and their families.

My 55 year old pizza delivery driver had the odds against her. She had kids at home to take care of, a full time job, elderly parents who needed her care, and more. But she never gave up. I kept in touch with her for a few years and she continued to make all A's as the semesters went by. I don't know what happened to her but I hope she reached her dreams and became a counselor.

Follow Me Update.jpg


Getting old is really really depressing. It's the hardest thing we'll ever have to do and we will all have to do it. I'm going to turn 43 in 5 days. Everyone thinks I'm in my low twenties because my family doesn't ever really look old. I'm not though. I'm about to be 43 and I have an associate's degree and that's it.......because I spent my whole life working with computers and didn't go to school for it and so I got left in the cold. Today my paycheck was $80 less than usual. Two weeks ago it was $70 less. I think I'm going to take some more writing courses and get back into writing..... although I'm considering becoming a forensic psychologist or something like that..... but I'm old. It sucks and it feels so unfair. We're born and then we live and then we die. Just when you really figured it all out then you're old. At any rate...... after 3 months I'm finally working on the second chapter of Scarlet in the Night of Terrors. Full upvote which is around 52 cents right now with 4050 SP.

That is one way the job market is can be experienced but without a piece of paper you can't get hired. That's why a lot of people go back to school when they're older...for the paper to prove they know their stuff. Don't let your age discourage you from trying. I keep in touch with another student who was in his 50s. He got his degree and it got him hired as a manager making a lot more money. My husband has done all kinds of low paying jobs. He's 40 and has gone back to get his doctorate. He's gone from a lowly potato inspector at a factory to an almost Dr. with more respect and hopefully a lot more money when he graduates. It's never too late to change the course of your life if you are unhappy. Glad to see you writing again! I miss your fiction. And damn! 4050 SP!

Unfortunately money is a factor in everything including going back to school. I was able to afford my associates but the bachelors is crazy expensive. Everyone I went to school with is rich, sometimes one of those girls will hit me up because I was popular in high school and I'll tell them something like I can take you out for a $2 cup of coffee if you want but we can't go to Starbucks.... it's out of my price range. It goes over real well. Yeah I converted my LTC to Steem the other day when Bittrex seemed to be having a fire sale on Steem for $1.20 and I managed to get 1200 or so Steem out of that deal.

It is depressing and hard! I'm fighting it tooth and nail!

I'll be turning 50 on my next birthday and frankly dealing with an upside down educational system is not something I want to waste my senior years dealing with just for a piece of paper to prove my value and worth to exchange for just another enslaved position higer up the corporate pole regardless of the perks and pay. I wasn't lucky enough to get the resources necessary earlier in life so I've had to struggle and am still falling through the cracks as our governments keep breaking things. I'm at the backend of the WWII baby boom so the surge of retires well most likely exhaust my ability to receive social security as a retirement option so yet again I'll have been cheated as I have most of my life. My only hope is to get to my goal of self sustainability survival point which has been my backup, fallback, deadlast, bottom of the barrel position. But even if that fails there's always the free room and board and medical with our paid for prison system which some hellish days seems more desireable than anything else. You can even get time to yourself in solitary when you want by causing some trouble which is easy enough to do. If our society where fair there would be a test to pull those of us who have been trapped and place us in positions worthy of our true value but that sadly is not yet and may never be.

a very interesting post to read ,, thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the insight.

Nice post, and I guess it goes to show that you're never to old to learn. Any with the Internet it certainly doesn't even require going to (any paying for) the typically exorbitant cost of higher education.