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RE: Two heads are better than one: Co-teaching in the high school classroom.

in #steemiteducation8 years ago (edited)

I taught preprimary age as the second teacher in a large class, I loved it!

Most of our students were of average to high ability but we were in a unique situation as the "sister"school to a school across the street for disabled students.

The two schools went on field trips together and shared playground space as well as combined learning projects like gardening, raising rabbits, and music.
Both schools were elementary age students.

We mostly worked as a team as you described, but for science we set things up more as the station style.

Having the two groups mixed together on projects was wonderful as each student was part of a team that succeeded and the "differently abled" students were able to really contribute in many ways. I remember a few incidents were our disabled team members were really ahead of the other students because of their unique situation.

We all learn in so many ways!


We sure do! This sounds like a really cool and fun way to teach. Thanks for sharing.