The environment of a child is usually loaded with a lot of information, new things and stimuli, which in many cases can cause the child to lose attention in their studies or in their homework, which can result in learning difficulties.

Through attention, our mind can focus on a stimulus from all around us to ignore all others. With concentration, one of the fundamental skills in the knowledge process, we keep focused attention on a point of interest, for as long as necessary.
Without concentration it is practically impossible to learn something, therefore, concentration is essential for learning. That's why I'll give you some tips to get children's attention below:
- Avoid distractions. While the child is studying, it is necessary to dispense with anything that may distract their attention: tablets, video games, television, noise, etc.

- Create routines and study habits. It is necessary that the child begins to study every day at a fixed time to get a good brain performance. The child a few days will get used to sit down to do their homework and study at the same time and without realizing it will make your mind concentrate more easily at that time.

- Set times. It is necessary to establish a time to carry out each task or activity and that it is required to do it in the foreseen time.

- Organize homeworks. We must take advantage of the mood of the children, that is why it is convenient to perform the most difficult tasks when the child is more rested.

- Draw goals and objectives. It is very important that the child is clear on a daily basis which are the goals that are to be achieved. When we want something really and strongly, we mobilize many of our resources to try to achieve it. Therefore, if the child is clear about his goal in the study, more of his part will be put to achieve it.

- Intercalar breaks. The process of attention follows a curve that usually decays with time. Therefore, it is convenient to intersperse breaks to recover concentration, we can do so by incorporating games that allow the child to get distracted and make the task more enjoyable.

- Synthesize and summarize. To summarize mentally what has been heard during an explanation and to point out in short sentences the details of more interest is a good technique to exercise attention.

I hope these advice will be very useful for your children to improve their attention and obtain good grades in all subjects ...