
The social conflict theory that emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries can be understood as a response to the birth of a revolution, democratization and industrialization. The sociological theory of conflict is an alternative to a dissatisfaction with structural functionalism of Talcot Parsons and Robert K. Merton, who judges society by its consensus and integralistic understanding. And the perspective of conflict in seeing this society can be seen in classical characters such as Kral Marx, Max Weber, and George Simmel. Conflict theory emerged as a form of reaction to the flourishing theory of structural functionalism that is considered less attention to the phenomenon of conflict as one of the symptoms in society that need to get attention. "The most influential or fundamental premise of this conflict theory is the thought of Karl Marx and in the 1950s, the theory of conflict is increasingly starting to emerge.22" This theory aims to analyze the origin of an occurrence of a violation of the rules or the background of a person who behaving deviantly. Conflict here emphasizes the pluralistic nature of
society and the imbalances of the distribution of power between groups, because of the power that elite groups possess, they also have the power to create rules, especially laws that serve their interests. "Conflict comes from the Latin verb" Configere "which means" hit each other ". Sociologically, conflict is defined as a social process between two or more persons in which one party seeks to exclude others by destroying it or making it powerless. "23 Conflict is motivated by differences in characteristics brought by individuals in an interaction. These differences include the physical characteristics, intelligence, knowledge, customs, beliefs and so forth. Given the individual traits of social interaction, conflict is a normal situation in every society and no community has never experienced conflict between its members or with other community groups, this conflict will only disappear with the disappearance of a society itself.