"My Way or the Highway" is a Bad Philosophy.

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

I'm sure at some point in your life you've encountered someone that used the phrase It's my way or the highway.

It may very well have been your parents. It's a very parent type thing to say.

It may have also been your boss. That makes good sense because your boss is the one that makes the rules in the workplace.

However, you could say that we are living in an elastic world these days. Things are changing in such a way that the walls are no longer opaque and concrete, but instead are rubbery and porous.

Yet another paradigm shift.

Source: Pixabay.com

When you are a kid and still living with your parents then certainly you have to do what they say. Otherwise you might just spend your childhood in your room being grounded.

There are also certain rules to be followed in the workplace. Certainly you have to show up somewhere near on time, and you have to wear pants.... unless you are a stripper in which case you probably have to not wear pants.

This has been the way of the world for about as long as I can remember. However, the world is certainly changing.

We have a new rule at my restaurant. You can no longer bring in any outside drinks, and you can no longer get a drink while you are on duty. This is likely going to be an HR Fiasco that won't last for very long. In fact, at the end of everything I'm certain we will probably be provided with all kinds of drinks.

The people have more power than they used to and when upper management tries to take that power away they often find themselves falling down on their faces.

It's a good thing.

I once briefly worked in an office where all we did was flip through pieces of paper looking for certain information. It was the most boring job that I ever had. The funny thing about it was that we were on like the 50th floor of this skyscraper and I always joked about jumping.

It wasn't a very funny joke until until one particular day.

One day someone from upper management came in and told us that they no longer wanted us to communicate with each other. We were no longer allowed to talk to the person standing next to us flipping papers. We were supposed to stand there flipping papers completely silently. No music, no communication, nothing.

This was the day that I quit.

I'm not sure how long that lasted but I can tell you that it would never fly today.

I remember being told that we would have to start cleaning the baseboards even though we are servers in my restaurant. Servers cleaning the baseboards? That doesn't make sense to me.

They wanted us use degreaser and instructed us to use a bucket full of degreaser with a little bit of water in it. We were supposed to put our bare hand in there with a rag and use the rag to clean the baseboards. We were supposed to get degreaser all over our bare hand.

That stuff literally removes the grease from whatever object it encounters. It burns your hands like crazy and it is very, very bad for you.

My way or the highway usually follows some kind of inhumane or ridiculous statement, in my opinion. It's almost never the right philosophy to use.

I hope you found this post educational.


Good anecdotal stories from both your ivory tower job and your restaurant. Tbh I thought you were going to say someone jumped from the 50 stories after you weren't allowed to talk lol.

It's interesting that "the my way or the high way" concept occurs to extremely menial tasks. Obviously there is no rationale for why the people are telling you to do it, so they just make that quote.

I never say this to people because I want others feedback. In the short term we have to bite the bullet and say what others want us to do. But in the long term we should be seeking to work under better management or be a better manager.

Good job.

I agree. Managers these days don't seem to care about anything other than controlling their employees.

I have to assume though that there are some fairly high paying tasks that would use the My way or the highway mentality as well though.

"unless you are a stripper in which case you probably have to not wear pants." This line is very funny. Everyone of us at one time or the other have been pushed to the point where we just can't take it anymore and we resort to either my way or I quit ( the high way). Even with parents some times, there's a way they will push you that you'll just damn the consequences and go the high way. That's just life and it's a point most of us have been in. Nice post

Sometimes being pushed can be a good thing. However, you don't want to be pushed around if you can help it.

Being pushed can be a good thing if it Spurs one to act positively but if it makes you lose you mind, it ain't good at all.

I'm not that familiar with this idiom, since it's most used in US, but I think it doesn't leave room for discussion. It has no flexibility. It's very rigid.
And rigidity can break things very easily.

That's also true. Things that are rigid have a tendency to break.

Some management is nonsense and idiot!!! I 100% agree with you. Sometimes walk away or just see how the shit hits the fan for the fun ;)