How can we handle aggressive situations without getting aggressive ourselves?

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

I work in the restaurant industry which means I deal with aggressive people all the time.

It's one of the few industries where it seems like it's not a big deal to yell at someone or even push someone once in awhile.

When I first started working in the restaurant industry I was surprised at the amount of drama.

It makes sense that there would be a lot of drama given that we deal with so many people all day long and we are constantly running around and on our feet.

The good thing is that the drama only tends to last for that day and doesn't carry over into the next day.


Of course, everyone has to deal with aggressive situations...... not just those in the restaurant industry.

So how do we deal with this aggression?

Well first of all, I'd like to say that some things are easier said than done so I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you should just control your temper.

There has to be a line from which you stand your ground WITHOUT letting things get out of hand.

If someone is yelling at you, the best thing to do is simply walk away. Chances are good that he will calm down and eventually apologize. You don't want to get into a yelling match..... that's for sure.

You really never want to lose your cool if you can help it, but every now and then somebody will push you or even hit you.

If you let somebody push you and you just walk away, then you aren't standing your ground.

Now you could walk away if you're absolutely certain that you would lose a fight. However, in my opinion the best thing to do is to sternly tell them to back off.

You should be prepared to defend yourself. However, you should never throw the first punch in any situation no matter what.

I'm not advocating fighting whatsoever. In fact, I'm a pacifist. However, if somebody punches me in the face I'm not just going to walk away and say Hey I'm a pacifist.

Human nature doesn't work like that.

However you want to make sure that in any circumstance you are defending yourself and not being the aggressor. You should always look for a way out of a fight, and you should always keep your temper even as opposed to screaming at the top of your lungs.

Yelling at people is a terrible idea.

Sometimes you have to be ready to defend yourself though.

Never just be outright aggressive without reason.


By walking away instead of throwing the first punch or abusive punch, you have pretty much been the bigger person...this tends to make the counterpart even angrier (which the mischievous part of me gets a real "kick" out of)!

You're right sometimes it does. However, walking away is usually the best thing to do. There are exceptions though. You definitely don't want to let someone walk all over you.

tends to make the counterpart even angrier (which the mischievous part of me gets a real "kick" out of)!

Me too...!

Good advice. Happily most of my professional contact with the public has been from the other end of a phone, but should anyone get aggressive with me I simply advise them to call back when they've calmed down and promptly hang up. A little more difficult face to face of course.

I think it's a bit easier over the phone. When somebody pushes you or hits you it's difficult to figure out the best course of action. You don't want to look weak but at the same time you don't want to become aggressive either.

I don't think pacifists defend themselves with physical force, or perhaps even in the mental realm. Other than that I agree with your message! Good advice.

How do they defend themselves after getting punched in your opinion? I'm curious. I did get punched at work today.

Also may I ask why you decided to comment without upvoting the post?

Oops. Guess I forgot to upvote. That doesn't happen that often when I actually like the article and the message. There you go. Upvoted.

To answer your question. It really depends on circumstances. If someone is seriously trying to harm you do whatever you feel is required to prevent that harm from happening to you. If it was just sort of like a playful not extremely serious punch, then perhaps give them a similar one back. Really I can't answer that for you or anyone, it's a personal decision each person has to make when their line has been crossed as to how to respond or if they decide to respond at all.

That's also true. I guess each different situation and circumstance is going to be different. Thanks for your insightful comment.

I like what you're saying about being a pacifist but not getting walked on all over basically. I believe in none violence until violence is thrown at me. You phisically hurt me I will try to hirt you back, yet I am a pacifist too!

Walking away from someone yelling is great and chances are, not only will that person most likely calm down but you too and avoid getting sucked into such conflict.

Thanks for sharing

Indeed. We want to be peaceful but we don't want to be a punching bag either.

Mean people suck...

You are perfectly right. We should just learn to control our temper, our anger should also be controlled. We should not react angrily. We should try to stay cool like you said. We should sometimes smile when you are about to be angry as this will also help to control your temper or nevertheless we should walk away frim that moment at that particular time

I agree but sometimes it can be difficult.

This article is very helpful, I mean meeting with aggressive situations is part of our day to day life, we literally cannot avoid it we just have to learn to deal with it. Thanks for giving us possible ways to do just that.

Thank you for your comment.

Great information.i appreciate your advice.
I love Steemit education.
Thanks for sharing valuable post
