Homework submission @steemiteducation Seven great ways of motivating others to be the best they can be

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal. It is usually the reason for the action; it is what gives purpose and direction. Motivating others is very paramount in determining how others progress in what they do or the way they do things to the best of their ability. For a student for example, it plays a major role in stimulating them to get into action, work hard and achieve success. It initiates, controls, guides, maintains and stimulates goal oriented behaviours.


Motivation components are activation, persistence and intensity. Activation helps in the initiation of a behavior like I want to be the best in my class. Persistence is the continued effort toward a goal despite obstacles, limitations and impediments while intensity is the concentration and vigor that goes into pursuing a goal.

The will to win the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential, these are the keys that unlock the door to personal excellence- Confucious

The following steps or ways can be used in motivating others.

1.Tell them to find and know their purpose: firstly, before one can be motivated to be the best one can be, one must know his or her purpose in where he or she is. For a student, for example, he must know his mission or reason for being in school before even the motivation to be the best comes. Once he or she discovers this (his or her mission), then the drive to be the best begins but if one doesn’t know the otherwise of doing things anyway remains the problem.

Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.– President John F. Kennedy

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2.Tell them to have passion for anything they do: passion is the love one have for a particular thing, when one have love for something, one become intense in achieving the goal attached to that thing which is being the best one can be. It is a major ingredient for success at school. Student must have passion for their field or subject before doing their best in that particular course.

“Loving what we do is master key and with it we can blaze the trail to success.”- Adeniyi Ademola Toheeb.

3.Remind them of the benefits of doing such things: knowing the benefits of being the best or doing the best in a particular thing will help stimulate others to be the best they can be. This will invariably enable them know the consequence of not doing this thing to the best of their ability. If for example a student is told that if he works hard and score good grades or be the best in his class he will earn enough salary have a bright job, have good job and lead a stress free life, he or she will be motivated to achieve that particular goal while he will know that if he fails, he is bound to remain stagnant or retrogress while others are progressing. Tell them how happy they will be if they become the best and the consequence.

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4.Tell them the sacrifice others have made for them: Once you remind them of sacrifice others have made in ensuring that you become the best you can be, they wilkl reminisce and be instigated to get into action. for example for students, one can say:

Your parents or guardian sacrificed a lot for you! They worked in a pertinacious manner to ensure that your school fee was paid and many other unexpected expenses were incurred in supporting you and ensuring you become successful at school. However, if you didn't achieve your goals or meet the reasons why you were sent to that school then you are only wasting your time and resources and therefore losing.

5.Tell them that others are great with what they have so they too can: Show them students who worked hard, tell them that there is no anything special they do instead they use what they have to be where they are today. For example show them the young lad in their class who does things to the best of his or her ability. As a teacher, you need to tell your students that they can do it and can become great.

6.Tell them inspirational stories: To motivate people, tell those stories that touch and inspire them to get into action, these stories will make them stimulated and triggered to do their best. Many videos on goalcast.com inspire me to do my best in anything.

People often say that motivation doesn’t last well, neither does bathing that’s why it is vital daily.-Zig Ziglar

Motivating others daily helps to ensure that they do things to the best of their ability.

7.Act and lead by example: To be a person who motivates, one must be exemplary in nature; he or she must act with what he says and not just motivating others to do their best. He or she must be someone who can be looked upon.

The speed of the leading horse will determine the speed of the others behind.

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Motivation helps to activate determination and vision thereby allowing people accomplish their mission and reaching their destination! Motivate someone today


Interesting read, i am marking this article so i can come back and spend a bit more time to digest it.

OK.... Please do so.... Thanks for reading and finding value in it.

Excellent tips to help students who are learning. Homework, provides an opportunity to practise what was learnt, it's a critical step in the learning process. Point five is also so important, students often need encouragement and support to keep achieving their potential. Having passion for a particular area of interest definitely helps students to over achieve and exceed their potential :) Good post. Thanks for sharing good content!

Welcome.... Thanks for reading.

Aside from 'nice post' which is currently abused in steemit, how else do I tell you how nice your work is?

Your comment is properly understood. ☺ Thank you for reading and finding value in it.

This is good, all your points are correct and clear, teachers do well to impact all these on their students but many still strugle to get it.Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading ma'am. Teachers are amazing people and our second parents, indeed most of them do these things.