Learning must not seek to imbue the child with an important load of knowledge, as well as provide him with the tools and skills that will allow him later to be a self-sufficient student, so that he is able to acquire more knowledge from Secondary.
Knowing how to read and write is, along with knowing how to listen and speak, the basis on which all education is based. Likewise, language difficulties will be reflected in all subjects. Any difficulty in reading and writing must be detected as soon as possible, and it is important to seek remedy by consulting specialists. The fundamental objective of parents and teachers is, therefore, to foster in the child a comprehensive reading and not just a memory, so that he understands what he reads and knows how to express it. The child who reads well acquires a broad vocabulary and good spelling, expresses well and learns more easily.
The child needs to have his food and sleep needs very well covered. Some children do not sleep well and yawn in class because they go to bed too late. Others take very light breakfasts, while some more are overloaded with extracurricular activities at times, motivated by the fact that parents do not have time to go to look for them at school at a certain time, which turns their day into a stressful time trial race.
Primary children need to play. At this stage you should not take home too many duties. After spending the whole day at school and having done other extracurricular activities, the house should not be an extension of the school.
Knowledge of the Environment, History, History of Art, Geography, Natural Sciences and Physics is another relevant subject, which allows to open the child's mind to the complexity of the world and to new learning situations such as the neighborhood, the city, nature, museums , placing it better in its environment. It is positive that parents, in parallel with the action of the school, provide the child opportunities to expand horizons through contact with friendly families, shows, trips and other environments. Very closed families in their small worlds limit the possibilities of the child.
It is convenient to accustom children from very young in the use of the agendas, to the planning of the time and to know that 24 hours a day, discounting the time dedicated to basic needs, such as sleeping, eating, staying in the school and trips. , they will have very few hours left to be able to dedicate them to homework. The first thing we must do is, therefore, help our children to keep a record and analysis of their daily activities for a whole week, including the weekend, following these guidelines:
- Schedule activities, both daily and weekly.
- Clearly divide the study of fun.
- Take advantage of the free time.
- Choose well the extracurricular activities and their schedules. Do not use them as a reward and punishment of the notes.
- Do not leave until the beginning of the study.
- Do not forget the deadline to study.
- Forgive the breaches of study schedules, but incorporate them and adjust the planning again.
It must be a place to work. At present, children enjoy authentic apartments equipped with all kinds of comforts in their rooms: TV, video game console, music chain, computer, ergonomic tables and chairs, but there are so many distractions, that the last thing you want is to take the book of study and open it. Therefore, it is necessary to delimit a space to study or do homework, free of distractions, for work and to leave secondary school to study outside the home, in libraries or in friends' homes, since these practices demand greater responsibility of the student.
Sometimes the problem is not the appropriate place of study, nor the schedule, nor the instrumental techniques, but something as frequent as are the distractions. It is important to pay attention especially in adolescence. The hormonal changes, the pressure of the group is not fashionable to study a lot, being a nerd and the growing demand of the family and school environment before their professional future make it difficult for some kids to study or it is almost impossible. Many students with impeccable academic records begin to fail because they are unable to adapt to the pressure of so many demands.
Those who have gone through previous stages with difficulty and have dragged learning problems that have not been solved can further worsen their academic results, which can lead to school failure and drop out of school before even passing the stage of compulsory schooling. In situations like this, it is important to make it very clear that you study for yourself and that it is a right of every citizen but also a duty to society.
Also, and clearly and explicitly, the adolescent must find immediate consequences to his lack of responsibility. You can not suspend and pretend to go skiing in the White Week, go out every weekend or buy all the whims, or stop studying and stay at home doing nothing.
Hello, good morning to all, a pleasure to greet you.
Good post @frankcalvo
In general, it is a very nutritious publication that talks about the reality that our children and adolescents face.
From its content I took three points that caught my attention:
*The child who reads well acquires a wide vocabulary and good spelling, expresses well and learns more easily. Regarding this point, you also mentioned listening and speaking. I found it interesting because generally it is not taught to listen, just to talk, and this first point, listening, is also important for the learning process.
*The house should not be an extension of the school. This point is also very important, children are often overloaded with school activities also at home, so the study is already annoying and stressful for them, I think there must be a balance between tasks and recreational activities for good development of the child.
*The adolescent must find immediate consequences to his lack of responsibility. This is something that also has a great influence on the education of the child, since it must take into account that each action has as a consequence a result and from an early age they must be educated to be responsible and must be corrected when the behavior is irresponsible.
A good post, and I agree with you on the good sleep bit, children should be in bed early since this really helps them to grow and learn well!
Setting up a place to study is soooooooo important. Just creating that ambience for learning helps learning, for sure. :) Thanks for sharing!
Excellent suggestions @frankcalvo, to facilitate the learning of children. Thanks for sharing.