Why Fathers Cannot be an Idol for Their Children

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Many fathers fail to become idols for their children because he does not provide the most basic needs for his child, namely protection and affection for children. Physically he is the father of the gene for his son but inwardly he is the father who is hated by his own son.

Did you ever hear of a child who has entered college age oust his father from the house? and threatened when he returned home it would kill him, because since childhood always scolded and beaten? or a high school age boy who invites his father to fight because he does not want to be hit again for his mistakes? A boy turns into a sissy because of the loss of a paternal figure or intake of a father. It started with a bad father figure.

What caused the child hate his father?

The father likes to hit but reluctantly hugs and kisses his son.

Some fathers still beat their children for making mistakes. Unfortunately, the punch is not a blow educate and uncontrollable. Her son was bludgeoned for venting anger and hurt. Of course, this has a very bad impact on the child's soul. At that time the child will feel the loss of the person who protects and loves him because the person who is expected to give affection precisely he gets a trial for his physical and his soul. And at that moment the child desperately wants the father to go away from him out of hatred.

Children who often beaten soul will become hard and there are injuries in it. Later, he will do what is disliked by his father, or she looks for affection in an abnormal way, or vent her anger by damaging herself, the environment and harming others.

O, Father! Hug the child you have hit because of your anger as a ransom for your guilt so that your love and protection will be felt again. Really, a hug and a kiss can reunite a broken heart. The affection will be removed from the child's heart if he remains violently and harshly treated. And verily those who do not love also will not be loved.

Father who likes anger but is reluctant to apologize.

Children are very close to a friendly father. The grumpy and arrogant father will not be liked by children. There is a father who is angry because of his ego and is happy also because of his ego. When a little child made a mistake he immediately angry and cursing. Though it does not provide any positive effects for children other than cultivating the nature of coward, emotion, and loss of self-esteem.

When the father gets angry, the child no longer sees his mistake. But what he saw was a much bigger mistake and had to be stopped soon. At that time there is nothing that is needed most by the child other than the greatness of the soul of a father who dares to apologize, and accompanied by a gentle dialogue full of direction that inspires the soul and mind of his son. Indeed tenderness can change what can not be changed by anger.

Hopefully by knowing some of these mistakes the fathers can fix their mistakes before it's too late.

This is my post today. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope my article is received and useful to you all.
Best regards @fataelrumy!

Kenapa Anak Benci Ayah?

Ada ayah yang gagal menjadi idola anaknya. Karena ia tidak memberikan kebutuhan yang paling mendasar bagi anak yaitu perlindungan dan kasih sayang bagi anak. Secara fisik dia adalah ayah gen bagi anaknya. Tapi secara batin ia adalah ayah yang dibenci oleh anaknya sendiri.

Pernahkah mendengar ada seorang anak yang telah memasuki usia kuliah mengusir ayahnya dari rumah dengan mengancam bila ia kembali maka ia akan membunuhnya karena sejak kecil selalu dimarahi dan dipukuli? Atau seorang anak usia Sekolah Menengah Atas mengajak ayahnya berkelahi lantaran ia tidak ingin dipukul lagi atas kesalahannya? Ada anak lelaki berubah menjadi banci karena kehilangan figur atau asupan kelelakian dari seorang ayah. Ini berawal dari figur ayah yang tidak baik. Diantara banyak penyebab inilah dua penyebab anak benci dengan ayahnya.

Suka memukul dan enggan memeluk dan mencium

Sebagian ayah masih sering memukul anak karena melakukan kesalahan. Sayangnya, pukulan itu ada yang bukan pukulan mendidik dan tidak terkendali. Anak dipukul secara membabi buta karena melampiaskan marah dan sakit hati. Tentu hal ini menimbulkan dampak yang sangat buruk bagi jiwa anak. Pada saat itu anak merasa kehilangan orang yang melindungi dan mengasihi, sebab orang yang diharapkan memberikan kasih sayang justru memberikan cobaan bagi fisik dan jiwanya. Dan pada saat itu anak sangat ingin ayah pergi jauh darinya karena rasa benci.

Karena sering dipukul jiwanya menjadi keras dan ada luka didalamnya. Kelak dia akan melakukan apa yang tidak disukai ayahnya, atau dia mencari kasih sayang dengan jalan yang tidak normal, atau melampiaskan kemarahannya dengan merusak diri, lingkungan dan menyakiti orang lain.

Wahai ayah! Dekaplah anak yang telah engkau pukul sebagai tebusan atas kesalahanmu, agar rasa kasih dan perlindunganmu kembali ia rasakan. Sungguh, sebuah dekapan dan ciuman dapat menyatukan kembali hati yang terpecah. Rasa kasih sayang akan dicabut dari hati anak bila ia tetap diperlakukan dengan keras dan kasar. Dan sesungguhnya orang yang tidak menyayangi juga tidak akan disayangi.

Pemarah tapi enggan minta maaf

Anak-anak sangat dekat dengan ayah yang bersahabat. Adapun ayah yang pemarah dan angkuh tidak akan disukai anak-anak. Ada ayah yang marah karena egonya dan merasa senang juga karena egonya. Bila anaknya sedikit melakukan kesalahan ia langsung marah-marah dan memaki. Padahal itu tidak memberikan efek positif apa-apa bagi anak selain menumbuhkan sifat penakut, emosi dan kehilangan harga diri.

Pada saat ayah marah-marah, anak tidak lagi melihat kesalahannya. Tapi yang ia lihat adalah kesalahan ayah jauh lebih besar dan harus segera dihentikan. Pada saat itu tidak ada yang paling dibutuhkan anak selain kebesaran jiwa seorang ayah yang berani meminta maaf, dan diiringi dialog lembut penuh arahan yang menggugah jiwa dan akal anaknya. Sesungguhnya kelembutan dapat merubah apa yang tidak dapat dirubah oleh kemarahan.

Mudah-mudahan dengan mengetahui sebagian kesalahan ini para ayah bisa memperbaiki kesalahan sebelum terlambat.



Because the female sperm out of the breastbone adjacent to the heart as a place of love and affection in a person while the male sperm out of the sulbi that is located far from the heart.

Thank you very much..

You are absolutely right, when a child is deprived of protection, love, care and attention from the father, A proper relationship cannot be maintained.

Good piece of writing
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