How to Teach Student to Know Hoax From Internet?

Technological developments are increasingly advanced. With the advent of the internet, information can be easily obtained. The emergence of many news sites makes us easy in accessing news. Now news can be produced very quickly. However, the speed of the information flow also brings negative things. One is the lack of accuracy in information being biased.

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Easily share information with social media makes hoaxes out of control. Hoax can spread very quickly through various social networks. The news of this hoax certainly bring a negative impact. To anticipate this, we must prepare ourselves in the face of the hoax attack. We must be trained to identify a message, whether it is true or hoax.

As an educator, we must also teach our students how to know a news on the internet is true or hoax. I will share how to teach the students to know the news is true or hoax. Here's how.

Find Other References

Teach your students to be critical when reading any information. Do not be easy to believe or share it directly. Have your students watch the picture or video for longer. Or analysis of the information it finds. After that look for another reference. Go to other sites that discuss it. With the development of the internet as it is today of course doing so is not a difficult job. Put similar keywords and we'll find relevance. If the news is true it will also be posted on various other sites.

Thorough To Image or Video

The current hoax news is often shared with photos or videos. Do not be too quick to believe in the photo or video. Ask students to examine the images and videos. Currently, the photo and video editing app is great. Future generations should be better prepared for any situation. The easiest way to see where images come from is to access google image. With search there we can see whether the image is original or edited or not in accordance with the news.

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News Sources

The most important thing in seeing the hoaks news is the source of the news. Try checking out the sites that shared the news. If the site is a reputable and trusted site then the authenticity of information is filtered and can be trusted. When a story is published in the mainstream media at least the news has been included in two times. First field reporters and both editors. At least the news is worth believing.

Analytical and Logical

The next way to eradicate hoaks is to cultivate an analytical and critical attitude in the souls of students, including in our own souls. The hoax news is so illogical and illogical it must be proven. For example, news about flat earth appeared. The news denied all scientific research on the earth round. Of course the news about flat bumu is hoaks. Everything can be logged. Therefore the logical power must be grown.

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Those are some ways that can be taught to students so that students do not easily believe with the news hoaks. Always teach students that everything on the internet is not always right. Do not let our students and children become victims of hoax. Let's both we ward off the hoax.


Fake news is definitely cancer to society