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Indeed, have a great thanks. That is a lot to read and look through. I will take my time for that. If not now, for sure later on.

I appreciate your effort in giving me an overview of your favorites.

The story with Jesus and Buddha I already heard and thank your for reminding me. I found it hilarious and was picturing Jesus coming back to Jerusalem with what he had learned from Gautama Siddharta and that the two of them had some good conversations, drank tea and calmly watched a tiger walking by. LOL!

What were you treating your patients for? Was it all physical (chiropractic) or did you do also meditation with them? Where was it?


My practice was purely physical, though I occasionally did some emotional therapy. I tried to teach people how to take care of their bodies, what to eat and what to avoid eating. I discovered that low back pain was mostly of emotional origin just as neck pain and headaches related to stress.

After many years I gave up and my opinion of people in general took a nosedive. Only a few followed my recommendations and they benefited greatly. The rest simply wanted me to fix them, the way a mechanic fixes a car. The body doesn't work that way. You need to quit abusing it and let it heal. They didn't want to give up sodas, to do stretching exercises, to lose that 30 pounds around their middle that was wearing out their hips. They refused to take responsibility for their own bodies. 16 years later I was preaching the same sermon that I did the day I opened my door. I finally didn't care if people got better or not. At that point I decided I couldn't be a doctor any longer so I closed my doors.

I'm meeting the same resistance to spirituality. Eventually I'll stop this too.

my interpretation of what you say is that of resignation. It sounds as if people aren't worth it. ... I want to ask you, if those people who benefited from what you had to offer made a positive and lasting effect on their people and if you have checked that. When I would be Jesus I would ask you: Doesn't even the one make a difference who was healed through your help & empathy?