10 The Importance of Early Childhood Education

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

10 The Importance of Early Childhood Education


Education is the most important above which is important because it can affect the progress of a nation. A nation is impossible to thrive and advance quickly if the population does not undergo educational structure.

From that education they (early childhood) can know and understand what they do not know including about cultural history, social community, about how to behave well, to develop the skills possessed and others very wide scope and there is the role of parents in educate the child also in it.

Is it true that early childhood education is the highest investment?

According to Mae Chu Chang, an education expert from the World Bank Indonesia that the highest educational investment is at an early age because it can produce far more stable benefits and better than investment at other education levels such as elementary, junior high school SMK, STM or level of students though.

The reason? because the initial formation of a person's character can only form in the early childhood education system and not at the age that has grown up.

The statement reinforces institutions of non-formal institutions to further develop and promote a better quality education system and oriented to the needs of children. now the form of early childhood education has grown up because the learning system begins with the development of motor, then the ability to communicate, intelligence in bersosiolagi with other environments, belajaar about moral and character and developed in learning to write that is now applied in the education of children an early age in the Kindergarten Childdren (TK) category.

The fact of the importance of early childhood education

Many assume that early childhood education is a waste of time and cost because the age of 2 to 4 years is still difficult to receive any lessons, and indeed the provision of early childhood education is not a formal education that focuses on lessons that have been set by the state such as learning Ipa , Ips, Mathematics, Biology and others

Early childhood education is more directed to the formation of the character of children in the form of independence, able to process creativity and skills to process and develop motorik, which it can already be seen when children enter the age of 2 to 4 years. As the child continues on the next level of basic education, the child is able to utilize his thinking patterns more logically and critically and able to develop his talents and interests for his own welfare and become a pride to his environment and is ready to receive formal or science lessons in other forms (non formal). (read: the role of morals in the character formation of the nation)
Here is the importance of early childhood education:

  1. In order for the child to develop the skills and intelligence in organizing, controlling and controlling the fine motor movements and rough to be able to absorb and understand and sensitive to sensory stimuli with baaik without the help of others (independent)
  2. In order for the child to understand, understand and think positively, logically, critically and creatively in digesting words while communicating with the environment and able to see the best way for his own and be able to understand the social environment and socio-cultural diversity.
  3. Early childhood education is the first gateway before young children step on the next level of primary education and continue at higher levels of education.
  4. Guidance, teaching and application of morals and improve the intelligence of a person and provide ways to increase the spirit of learning to become a more creative, independent, courteous and intelligent person as well as able to see the talents and interests possessed that can become a human resource that many beneficial to the wider community.
  5. At an early age is the easiest time to form a person into the desired human expectations of the nation. Educate and mengarhkannya independence, intelligence, good behavior and apply norms of religion can still be easily done at the age of 1 to 6 years.
  6. In age before reaching 8 years usually children have a sense of curiosity is still very strong and the desire to be creative children than others when finding new things including school lessons covering all aspects, then the children will easily absorb and easy to accept science whatever he wants to know.
  7. At the age of 0 to 6 years the brain of the child is actually active and easy to absorb and receive information up to 80 percent, which means physically, mentally and spiritually will be formed slowly with the increase of intelligence and the emergence of talents and interests, such as talent singing, dancing, play piano, playing violin, painting and others.
  8. The importance of early childhood education is nothing but to shape and direct a person to a strong person (not easily discouraged), more creative and does not cause school children to be lazy to learn. increase their self-esteem and foster self-reliance in their own intelligence which can then be used to continue at the next basic level of cultivation.
  9. Once the importance of education for children is not excessive if the government requires that public school education to be free (exempted administrative costs per month). It is intended that people living below the poverty line and unable to send their children to school can feel their children attend school, at least they can avoid illiteracy.
  10. Early childhood education is done and needed because it is adapted to the development of the era that demands a change in the behavior of a more qualified and intelligence of the younger generation is more advanced, so that later can be better prepared and can be beneficial to the development of a nation that has started towards a more modern with all the latest innovations which is always born every year. it takes a different intelligence in the future.

    Non-formal education is very important for early childhood because it is able to improve and improve the independence and creativity of children in the talents and interests that must be sharpened and developed so that the child becomes able to be a provision for the betterment of his life. After a period of schooling in non-formal education, the child is ready to continue in the next level of basic education.

Principles of Implementation of Early Childhood Education
Getting good teaching in school and supported good habits also when the home environment, then the child will be more creative, independent and able to analyze the good and true because earlier in early childhood education has received learning on the way of logical thinking and more critical.

The main principles that are used in implementation in early childhood education are:

Implementing a self-reliance system - Developing a self-reliance system can include developing children's skills, hobbies, preferences, talents and skills through their habits. this condition is done so that children can be more independent, have a sense of responsibility for their own actions and able to apply discipline in daily life
Utilizing educative media - Utilizing the educational media of existing objects in the natural environment or using tools of nature that are provided from piohak educators to learn and know the nature from close
Systematically oriented children's needs - Early childhood is the best time to receive mentoring and coaching related to the physical and psychological children of children including intellectual, motor, sensory, emotional or socio-governance.
Learning while playing - Playing is one of the media to do early education in the field of learning communication and learning to adapt to others in which includes how to explore and control objects around it.
Safe environment - The play environment must be exciting, unique, full of age-appropriate colors and images to create a sense of comfort, security and passion when children are socializing with other children.

Common age for early childhood education

Non formal education infant ie age 0 to 1 year
Toddler's education is 2 to 3 years old
Playgroup education is 2 to 4 years old
Education Kindergarten children (TK) ages 3 to 6 years
Early primary schooln education (Primary school) 6 to 8 years
Intelligence, skill, independence, creativity, and intelligence to adapt to the environment are obtained and formed from 3 dominating factors, among others:

Able to understand and understand yourself including understand the location of the advantages and disadvantages it has.
Able to understand and understand how to socialize well with others regardless of differences or social status of a person
Able to understand and understand her relationship with God Almighty (according to religion and belief respectively)
These 3 factors can affect the strength of the child's beliefs and make it easier for parents to find the best solution for how to direct and develop the interests and talents of their children. But basically if a child has a solid parent in giving direction to things and good habits, a simple example is to teach that throwing garbage should be on the trash so the child will follow


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