To relate to the world and the people around us, we use our senses. They are sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste.

The senses
The information they have given us is fundamental, much more when it comes to exploring and people who do not know or who have not seen for some time.
For this reason, I want to present this wonderful idea to develop with children capable of capturing the information they need and in this way achieve their adaptation.
Dynamics of touch:
The goal will be for children to recognize their peers using this sense.
Let's organize the children in work groups. Cover one of the children's eyes. Change place to others and ask the one with the covered eyes to guess by touch which partner has ahead.

Of touch
Boxes with surprises:
In the development of this fun activity, we will recognize objects with our senses. Recognize the importance of our site. To experience what our life would be like if we had diminished our vision or lacked it.
Development of the activity:
• Teachers prepare several boxes that will contain different elements.
• The boxes must be closed and only one of its sides must be prepared so that the children can introduce their hands.
• In turn and blindfolded, they will go one by one to discover, with the help of their other senses, what elements the box contains.
• You must write them down in a list.
• Win the student who finds the most objects in the correct box.

Boxes with surprises
A 3D language
We will use recyclable materials to create a 3D language. In this way, we will locate the taste buds to identify in which sector of the language we perceive each flavor.
Development of the activity:
• Use bubble wrap or cardboard to make a large tongue. Fill it with cotton or paper.
• Mark the taste buds with colored thumbtacks.
• Distribute elements, foods, and materials that can be tasted among the students.
• Each child will pass and place it in the area of the language in which the taste is perceived.

Find couples:
We can use small recycling boxes or simply covered containers, we fill them with different objects: grains, small toys, sweets, paper clips, cotton.
• We ask our students to start shaking and picking up sounds.
• First, they shake one box after another to hear each sound.
• Then mix the boxes.
• The game consists of identifying the boxes that carry the same content through the sounds they produce when shaken.

Find couples
Night butterfly game:
• You divide the children into two groups.
• Some represent females and others represent males. The "females" wear perfume and hide in nearby places.
• We give the males the jars and they have to try to smell where is the "female" that carries this smell.
