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RE: Childhood and Adult Disorder: Panic Disorder/Panic Attacks Part 2 – All About Panic Attacks

Bigbear I really feel for you. You have so much on your plate, I don't know how you do it. Because your husband tends to see things as the worst, his brain is creating more circuits toward the worry area. They say what you think you create. If he thinks more positive then the brain will become more positive.

Maybe there are things that can be set up for him where he can have less misplacement of things. I may have to research this area because I know with aging people tend to forget more. Is there a way where a chain can be attached to the wallet and pocket like a pocket watch so he will never misplace his wallet? It might be worth a try to prevent more mishaps. I'm sure others go through the same thing.

Maybe for a future article I can research how to make life easier with some sort of system of organization. You must be under a lot of stress! The thing with panic attacks and any anxiety is that you want to prevent it because the more you have it, the more panic attacks will happen. Please let me know if there are things you have to deal with so we can try to solve them. Hang in there Bigbear. You have to take care of yourself first or you won't be able to help others. Let me know if I can help! :D